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MR: Heretics, Authenticity, and FIRE!!!

Poster: Stephanie Malone Thorson <smt2@st-andrews.ac.uk>

With all due respect to all parties concerned, can I ask that this thread
be allowed to die? It has rapidly degenerated from a debate on what
constitutes a reasonable attempt at authenticity into a shouting match cum
fire fight. There's been too much "you said ... she did ... you're a ..."
-- too much, in fact, of what I think in philosophy classes are called ad
hominem attacks. It is obvious that people disagree. It is equally 
obvious that some people have taken offense at what others have said. The 
odds that any sort of consensus can or will be reached are approximately 
nil. This being the case, it would appear that the best solution would be 
to end the discussion.  Would you all be so kind as to do so?

(retreating behind her welder's mask again)
Stephanie M. Thorson			*  SCA: Lady Alianora Munro
University of St Andrews		*  
St Andrews, Scotland			*  Clan White Wing
email smt2@st-andrews.ac.uk		*  Tarkhan, Khanate Red Lion

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