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Poster: Carol_O'Leary@ed.gov (Carol O'Leary)
Personal Opinion from Duchess Melisande --
Laurie Kovaleski said:
>Tip #1
>Don't autocrat. Since it is too late for that try this...
What a shame! If no one were willing to run events, what do you think
the SCA would be?
I hate to indulge in Old Fogey (tm) good-old-days reminiscences, but
I'm going to anyway. When I joined the SCA some 22 years ago, people
came to events expecting to make their own fun. If people wanted to
play games, they didn't wait for an autocrat with a clipboard to tell
them it was time; they played games. And if they wanted to dance,
they started dancing. Now, it seems to me, people want to be more
passive in their participation -- they want the autocrat to organize
everything. That's why autocratting is seen as such a burden, rather
than as an opportunity to provide the extravagant service of giving
your friends a place to play.
Laurie, my advice to you is *not* to autocrat. If you don't think it
has any possibility of being fun, it's not for you. But please try
and be a little more grateful to the people who do it; without them
there would be no events at all.
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