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MR: Costs, monetary and other

Poster: edh@ascc01.ascc.lucent.com (Alfredo el Bufon)

Mistress Branwynn writes, in part:
>                       [...]      I went to a HORRIBLY overcharged
> event where the group then turned around and presented the kingdom
> with a $2,000 some-odd check "from the Generosity of the people
> of GroupX" -- a friend sitting near me said, almost not-audible,
> "Hey! That's my money!" (You'd have to understand the conditions --
> horrible site, paltry & inedible food, and LARGE, LARGE fee...
> the money they gave to the Crown came DIRECTLY from the money
> they'd made off all the people who came.) That's just tacky. Like
> Byram said, if you wanna hold a fundraiser, hold a fundraiser.
> Don't do it under false pretence.

Meseems that the money was only an intermediate step in the
transaction that group made; they spent some of their good name
with their neighbors to buy a better reputation with the Crown.
Was it worth it?  Or did they find themselves running out of that
precious coin thereafter?

In AEthelmearc I saw some groups (the Barony of Rhydderich Hael
comes to mind) occasionally hold a Free Feast.  They said they
were doing it to get rid of a surplus in their treasury, but in
my skewed worldview I looks like they were building up their
treasury of good will.

-- Alfredo
Alfredo el Bufon
Elvegast, Windmaster's Hill, Atlantia

Into Tuskane he turnes  when thus wel timed,
Takes townes full tite  with towres full high;
Walles he welt down,  wounded knightes,
Towres he turnes,  and tourmentes the pople,
Wrought widowes full wlonk  wrotherayle singen,
Oft werye and weep  and wringen their handes;
And all he wastes with war  there he away rides;
Their welthes and their wonninges  wandreth he wrought!
    -- Alliterative Morte Arthure

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