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Re: requesting aethelbrose recipe

Poster: E L Wimett <SILVERDRAGON@Charleston.Net>

James and/or Nancy Gilly wrote:
>      It was very common to mix whisky with honey in the past and equally
> common to mix liquid with oatmeal. 

Indeed, true.  

However, you need to be VERY careful in writing the
instructions, as evidenced by this cautionary tale:

Many years ago in a kingdom far away (well, not so far: the East)
I was asked to come up with some filler for the special Pennsic
edition of the newsletter.  Writing under the pseudonym of Margaret
the Fat Peasant, as I recall, (at the request of the chronicler to
disguise the fact that I was the only one whom he could dragoon into
writing anything), I included a recipe for Atholl Brose.

Imagine my gratification at Pennsic to hear a lot of fighters telling
how they had tried it and how much they liked it!

Imagine my shock to hear them, however, complaining about the thickness
of the oatmeal gruel component: you see, with a mother brought up on 
Scots porridge oats, it had not occurred to me that it was
 necessary to specify that you NOT USE INSTANT OATMEAL!!!!!
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