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Re: On the subject of scrolls
Poster: "Heather Swann" <swann@intercon.com>
> Poster: teresa marie nava-vaughn <tmn@wam.umd.edu>
> Heather Swann wrote:
> > Actually, the main thing I wish people understood is that the
> > materials we use as Atlantian scribes come out of our pockets- so if
> > you think your scroll is too small or should have been done on
> > parchment, you'll understand that someone did you this service out
> > of their own pocket, most often never having met you, and they
> > worked hard on it.
> Ask Mistress Isobel how much she spent on scroll materials during
> her tenure as Clerk Signet. I don't recall the exact number but is was
> in the many hundreds range. In addition a scribe spends many hours
> of their free time, which is always in short supply, working on a
> scroll for a person they often do not know. Usually, I spend 15-20
> hours on a single scroll and then I _GIVE_ it away.
And 15-20 hours is usually a simple scroll. I've spent weeks on scrolls,
sometimes months....
> One final note, in general I am as proud of my work as the recipient is
> to get the award. It would be nice to be able to display my work, to
> share ideas and techniques with those interestted, not for kudos. I
> give of my time and my money because I get to share in a little bit of
> the award recipient's excitement. That, for me, makes my SCA experience.
> Regards,
> Celynen of Stow-on-the-Wold
Well said, my Lady!!
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