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Credit (or blame) where due...

Poster: "Edward R. Ewen, Jr." <tewen@gandalf.cs.wcu.edu>

> Please, Edward, when telling this story do credit the originator, Lord
> Andrew MacRobb, originally of Carillion and for some time of the Middle.
> And Lord Andrew sang it, though that would be hard to do over the net.
> =Tamar the Gypsy (sharing account dickeney@access.digex.net)

Good Tamar,

Consider me properly chastised.  I meant no slight to Andrew, keeper of 
the Perpale Peephole Heater and premier punster.  By way of penance I'll 
share another of his Shaggy Dogs (best as I can remember):

  Some years ago, there came to our Shire of Carillion a band of friars,
who took residence at a local estate.  One of the first tasks they
undertook upon moving in was the construction of the most unusual
building we had ever seen.  Made entirely of glass, this building (the 
friars called it a "greenhouse") housed an amazing assortment of exotic 
flora.  Blossoms from the world over flourished there, in spite of our 
harsh northern climate.  I saw there one of the world's true oddities, a 
flesh eating plant.  

Some months after the friars arrived, dogs and cats began disappearing.  
People remembered the whispered tales of the friars carniverous plants.  
Then a child disappeared.  This was just too much.  Our Seneschale, 
backed buy the Shire levy, visited the friars determined to exact 
vengance upon them.  Unfortunately, they found the friars well 
defended and could not prevail.

Well, that's when Hugh, the shire blacksmith showed up.  Hugh walked 
right into the estate and was only inside a short while before returning, 
saying only "The friars are leaving."  Sure enough they were.  They 
were loading their belongings and preparing to leave. Hugh had succeed 
where our guard had failed. I guess I shouldn't have been surprised. After 
all, only Hugh can prevent florist friars.


Well, that's the spirit of it anyway...Andrew would tell it much better.

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