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Re: Translation Anyone?

Poster: E L Wimett <SILVERDRAGON@Charleston.Net>

Angela Pincha-Neel - ASCC wrote:

> The days of the week are alphabetical... A thru g.
> I do not know what the Roman numeral to the side means...

Your problem is partly that the scribe has used standard abbreviations 
in the text.  This is extremely common in all manuscripts in period and 
particularly in "standard" liturgical documents.  You may note the marks 
over several of the words in the original manuscript.  These clearly mark 
the words as abbreviated much as apostrophes mark letters dropped out 

In this particular manuscript, I am not certain what the marginal numbers 
represent.  Sometimes they are numbers for the Roman calendar, sometimes 
crossreferences to the appropriate services for the feast, etc.

It is also notable that a number of those commemorated are not on their 
"usual" feast days.  For instance, Firminus the martyr usually has his 
feast in September

Below I give the transcription (with filler letters in square brackets if 
necessary] and a translation, line by line:

Ianuarius habet dies XXXI luna XXX.
January has 31 days, the moon 30.

A   Circu[m]ci[sionis] d[omi]ni
A   [Feast] of the Circumcision of the Lord

B   Oct. S. Stepha[ni]
B   Octave of Saint Stephan

C   Oct. S. Ioa[n]nis
C   Octave of Saint John

D   Octa. Innoce[ntium]
D   Octave of the [Holy] Innocents

E   Thelesphori
E   Thelesphori
    (I am not sure about this one: it looks as if it is paralleling some 
of the old Greek feasts which is possible in a manuscript this late.)

F   Epiphania
F   Epiphany

G   Iuliani m[arty]ris
G   [Feast] of Julian martyr

A   Severini epi[scopi]
A   [Feast] of Severinus bishop

B   Martian[a]e m[arty]r[is]
B   [Feast] of Martiana martyr

C   Pauli eremit[a]e
C   [Feast] of Paul hermit

D   Igini pap[a]e
D   [Feast] of Iginius pope

E   Satyri m[arty]ris
E   [Feast] of Satyrus martyr

F   Firmini m[arty]ris
F   [Feast] of Firminus martyr

G   Felicis i[n] pincis
G   [Feast] of Felix in Pincius (a mount at Rome)
    This is St. Felix of Nola

A   Mauri abbatis
A   [Feast] of Maurus abbot

B   Marcelli pap[a]e
B   [Feast] of Marcellus pope

C   Antonii abb[at]is
C   [Feast] of Antonius abbot

D   Prisc[a]e virginis
D   [Feast] of Prisca virgin

E   Marii m[arty]ris
E   [Feast] of Marius martyr

F   Sebastiani m[arty]r[is]
F   [Feast] of Sebastian martyr

G   Agneris virgi[ni]s
G   [Feast] of Agnus virgin

A   Vince[n]tii m[arty]r[is]
A   [Feast] of Vincent martyr
    This is St. Vincent of Saragossa

B   Emere[n]tian[a]e v[ir]g[inis]
B   [Feast] of Emerentiana virgin

C   Feliciani epi[scopi]
C   [Feast] of Felicianus bishop

D   Co[n]versio pau[li]
D   Conversion of Paul

E   Policarpi epi[scopi]
E   [Feast] of Polycarp bishop

F   Joa[n]nis Chryso[stoma]
F   [Feast] of John Chrysostom

G   Agnetis secu[n]do
G   [Feast] of Agnes second

A   Geminiani epi[scopi]
A   [Feast] of Geminianus bishop

B   Tra[n]sla[tio] S. Marti[ni]
B   Translation of St. Martin

C   Cyri martiris
C   [Feast] of Cyrus martyr

Merry Christmas!

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