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Re: Translation Anyone?

Poster: teresa marie nava-vaughn <tmn@wam.umd.edu>

> E   Thelesphori
> E   Thelesphori
>     (I am not sure about this one: it looks as if it is paralleling some 
> of the old Greek feasts which is possible in a manuscript this late.)

I'm guessing this might be Thecla of Iconium, not to be confused with the
Welsh Thecla.  Her feast day is the 23 of Sept. in the West, 24th in the

> C   Cyri martiris
> C   [Feast] of Cyrus martyr

Someone questioned whether this might be Cyril.  Neither Cyril of
Alexandria nor Cyril of Jerusalem was classified as a martyr.  Both would
have their bishop status recorded as "epi" in suh a manuscript.  Cyricus,
also known as St. Cyr, St. Cyrus, and St. Cyres, was a martyr (as was his
mother Julietta) whose feast day is the 16th of June.

C o'Stow

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