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Re: Well it finally happened-reply (fwd)

Poster: Dick Eney <dickeney@access.digex.net>

On Fri, 20 Dec 1996, Craig Levin wrote:
> Poster: clevin@ripco.com (Craig Levin)
> Tibor dixit:
> > Luther(?) dixit:
> >   PS for the curious my sin was wearing a coat of arms which had yet to be
> >   registered. It is a varient of my family's coat of arms, actually a
> >   combination of two versions, (one from the eleventh century and one from the
> >   the fourteenth,) so that it would be unique and fit SCA guidelines.
> >   I have the papers ready to try and register it, but with my wife
> >   still in the hospital, I haven't been able to do much lately.
> Ah. The picture's somewhat clearer. I must note, FWIW, that
> merely having the same name as an armiger does not entitle one to
> his arms. See also Legh v. Leigh, 1636, Earl Marshal's Court.
> However, you've been thinking correctly-in Scotland, such as you
> have done-composing the coat of arms of a stranger in blood from
> elements of the clan's coat-is not unfrequently done.
> Incidentally, you can send the check and paperwork by mail, and
> also get heraldic consultation via email. Drop me a line.

My Lord, may I respectfully point out that you are making an assumption
not in evidence.  You have assumed that the gentleman is claiming descent
from a family without proof; in fact, he stated that it is his family.
It is entirely possible that he _ can _ prove it is his family, and that
he has the right to bear the arms mundanely undifferenced and only
differenced them because that is the rule of the SCA College of Heralds
(as did Lester del Rey with his own family's arms).


=Tamar the Gypsy (sharing account dickeney@access.digex.net)
 formerly Bell Pursuivant, East Kingdom

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