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Re: Translation Anyone? (fwd)

Poster: clevin@ripco.com (Craig Levin)

> Poster: teresa marie nava-vaughn <tmn@wam.umd.edu>
> > E   Thelesphori
> > E   Thelesphori
> >     (I am not sure about this one: it looks as if it is paralleling some 
> > of the old Greek feasts which is possible in a manuscript this late.)
> I'm guessing this might be Thecla of Iconium, not to be confused with the
> Welsh Thecla.  Her feast day is the 23 of Sept. in the West, 24th in the
> East. 

IIRC, this was for January. 

> > C   Cyri martiris
> > C   [Feast] of Cyrus martyr
> Someone questioned whether this might be Cyril.  Neither Cyril of
> Alexandria nor Cyril of Jerusalem was classified as a martyr.  Both would
> have their bishop status recorded as "epi" in suh a manuscript.  Cyricus,
> also known as St. Cyr, St. Cyrus, and St. Cyres, was a martyr (as was his
> mother Julietta) whose feast day is the 16th of June.

Again, why place this saint in January?

On the other hand, I must doff my cap to you and the others who
have corrected my poor work of translation-ars longa, vita
Craig Levin
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