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MR: Roses for The Oak

Poster: Rowanwald South <rowanwald@wwisp.com>

Rowanwald South wrote:
> Dear Lady Elizabeth,
>          A few of us were discussing the
> lack-of-courtesy issue that's sprung up lately, and wondering what to do
> about it. We decided that it would be fun to create small tokens to gift
> a gentle with when we saw them performing an act of courtesy. A small
> silk-ribbon rose, with a longer ribbon (for tying) attached was agreed
> upon. Then we thought that they could be bundled into bouquets and given
> to our friends at TwelthNight so that our friends could have the
> pleasure of awarding courtesy also... maybe a bouquet of 12 roses, with
> it's lovely twelthnight, twelve monthes association. This grew into

>    "hey, we could sell them and give the money to uh, er, THE OAK!! Yeah,
> yeah, what a great idea!"

>         So now, what we're doing is this: Any lady (or lord) who wishes to
> while away some time fashioning small silk flowers with a ribbon 'tail'
> can bring their creations to Kingdom TwelthNight and deliver them into
> Lady Rhian or Lady Aurora's hands. They will take the gathered flowers 
> and form them nto twelve-blossom bouquets, with a paper posyholder 
> (containing a short verse on courtesy written by Grafin Judith) to bind 
> them. These  bouquets will then be offered up to the populace for a 
> small fee. The proceeds will be given over to you or your designate (or 
> the Exchequer?) at the event. Any remaining bouquets will go to the 
> Queen to be given out as she wishes.
>         Very small-scale, as you can see, but our goal wasn't actually
> fundraising... it just dovetailed so nicely.

	This is a quote from a message I sent to Lady Elizabeth (editor of the
Oak), and I am posting it here in the hopes that some of you may feel
moved to make and bring the small tokens described above. I've never
made any of these little flowers, but I understand that it is very easy,
and that nearly every craft magazine/store has directions. Please help.
If you do not wish to contribute to the "fundraiser", do make some to
gift with during the year...
	For those of you who are 'craft-challenged', they would make lovely
gifties, with the advantage that no one who already owns one would turn
down another - I certainly wouldn't mind receiving a posy from a friend,
especially if I could then honor 12 more acts of courtesy.

thank you for the bandwidth,


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