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Highland Foorde Dance and Fighter pratice.
Poster: AdamofErin@aol.com
Unto the patrons of The Merry Rose does Lord Adam of Erin send greetings.
Highland Foorde has secured an indoor site for fighter and dance practice.
The next Dance pratices will be January 3, 1997 and February 7, 1997. These
will be on Fridays from 7:00 pm to 10:00 pm in Hagerstown MD. If you are
interested please call Thyra Olafsdottir at 301-416-8497 (No calls after
10:00 pm please) or you can e-mail her at beiskaldi@aol.com
The fighter pratices will hopefully be held every Sunday through January and
February 1997. The place is in Hagertown, MD, the time is 1:30 pm to 4:30pm.
If you are interested please contact Lord Konrad at 301-694-8601 or e-mail
him at Jshaner@smtp.solarex.com.
In Service,
Lord Adam
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