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Re: Scrolls

Poster: "Thorpe, John" <thorpj@caepo1.columbiaSC.NCR.COM>

Greetings from Eldred!

Scripsit Miriam bat Mordecai:
>> >I think I'll put tags in the scroll frames with the names of
>> >the   creators.
>> >
>> Your idea is wonderful, thank you!  Another point is that if the
>> scribe goes
>> through the effort of putting some form of contact information on the
>> back
>> of the scroll, perhaps the recipients could send thank you cards.  I do
>> as
>> Clerk of Signet get them on rare occasions but it's VERY rare.  (Course,
>> if
>> there is no contact information on the back, you could send something
>> to the Clerk of Signet but that's often a sign that the scribe is shy
>> and doesn't
>> want a lot of attention from recipients.)
>> >Rebecca

>Actually, I sign the back, and work in a swan holding a sprig of heather in 

>its beak somewhere in the illumination as my signature.  I'm curious to 
>if other scribes do some sort of personal symbol as well, and what it is.

I know that Mistress Alissandro (sp?) uses a little pink elephant, and that
I incorporate a six-spoked wheel somewhere in mine.  Lately, I've taken
to incorporating it into the illuminated letters of the scrolls I do.  If I 
do a
vine/ivy border, a leaf near a corner will hide the wheel as part of itself.

In service,

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