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Re: Displaying heraldry

Poster: Mark Schuldenfrei <schuldy@abel.MATH.HARVARD.EDU>

  > Keilyn, this "distinction" is something the Society made up just for fun.
  > Therefore, I tend to deprecate mentioning it.  Just as I point out that in
  > period, there is no such distinction as Award, Grant or Patent...
  True enough.  And Lords outranked Knights, and Master/Mistress was a
  term for commoners.  But we are in the SCA, like it or no, and thus give
  in to its conventions where need be.  (Or at least specify when one is
  stating one's personal opinion rather than accepted SCA custom...:-)

Ayuh.  Reminds me of a story, repeated below...

But, in my opinion, it is VITAL that if we teach someone something that is
contrary to period, that we label it so, very clearly.  I think that is
one of the most important things we can do.

Speaking of which... just to critique the Society... the difference between
an SCA device and SCA arms is subtler than the miracle of
transubstantiation, and of less real world impact.  It's a gonfalon no
matter what your armigerous status, and you can fly it.

Since the difference is without value or historical merit, I think we should
stop pretending there is one, and let the two terms die out.  The only
utility they have is to confuse people about period.  If they do no good,
and only harm, let it be put to rest?
  And then we run into the problems that the poor guy from New Jersey
  complained about, etc.  I believe, for example, that in some SCA crown
  tournaments (speaking of *medieval* <snort>) that you can't bear
  heraldry onto the field unless its registered....

If you check carefully, you will notice that I didn't mention registration
at all... the original poster asked if he can fly arms that are registered,
and I said he can fly arms no matter what his armigerous status in the
Society might be... carefully avoiding the ensuing flame war we all
cherished.  (:-)

I don't know of any Kingdom where your comment applies.  I do know of
several that require both combatants have arms either registered, or in
process.  The standard rules hack is to submit arms you know bounced last
time, a week before the tourney....  sigh.

Do you know of any kingdoms that really have such a rule as you describe?

Oh, the story.  At the Pennsic Pas d'Armes at Pennsic 24, I was instructed
by the head of a Tourneying company to use only period titles on the field,
and to not treat master or mistress as titles of rank.  Therefore, when one
friend of mine came to the field, I announced him as Lord.  He came up to
me, quietly, and asked me to use his title of Master of the Laurel.  He
wasn't really mollified by my answer, except when I assured him that as
Lord, he outranked them all....  (:-)

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