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The Court Song

Poster: "Scott Vaughan" <vaughan~sf@glaxowellcome.com>

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Efen bursts into the chorus of a song by Aed of Avigdor:

And the Herald said <cover mouth w/ hand> "wanna wanna wanna 
wanna wanna wanna wa"<uncover mouth>
And I said "huh?"
Then the King said <cover mouth>"wanna wanna wanna wanna wanna 
wanna wa"<uncover mouth>
And I said "Huh?"
My friends said "what did he say"
I said "Hey I don't know. How 'bout you?"
Then the queen said <cover mouth, add falsetto> "wanna wanna 
wanna wanna wa" <uncover mouth, stop falsetto>
And we all said "HUH?"

BTW Thank you to Your Majesties for having Your Heralds give play 
by play accounts of the action. The "close captioned" court is a 
great idea!

And that's all I have to say about that.
efen gump
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