The Merry Rose Archive (by thread)
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Last update: Thu Jan 29 00:47:52 98
324 messages
Messages listed in order by thread. Listing format is the following:
- Subject,
(Date posted).
Followup messages are indented.
Re: Fealty (fwd),
Craig Levin (01/02/97)
Displaying heraldry (fwd),
Craig Levin (01/02/97)
What was that Noise!!,
Michael Ford/HNS (01/02/97)
Re: [MR] Corinthian leather,
Tom Rettie (01/03/97)
Heraldry, fealty, Real Life and the SCA,
Corun MacAnndra (01/03/97)
Re: Bow protection (fwd),
Richard Markman (01/04/97)
Need SCA History help,
WzrdKing (01/04/97)
Searching for SCA groups,
Susan Holt (01/04/97)
Sad News,
Paulette Lashley (01/05/97)
Exchequer List,
Hinson, Jerome (01/06/97)
Event Announcement!,
Joseph Moran (01/06/97)
Need instructions for Tarot Trump, please?,
Gregory Stapleton (01/06/97)
Quarterly Herald's Reports,
Beverly Robinson-Curry (01/06/97)
FW: [OAK] Brother Cadfael Mysteries,
Gregory Stapleton (01/06/97)
February Acorn Letter,
Hinson, Jerome (01/06/97)
RE: [OAK] Brother Cadfael Mysteries,
Thorpe, John (01/06/97)
Cooper's Lake in 2001 Bid Party,
Harold Feld (01/06/97)
Exchequer Warrants/12th Night,
Hinson, Jerome (01/07/97)
Fighting practice.,
jpbrew (01/07/97)
update on contacting the clerk of signet,
Becky McEllistrem (01/07/97)
last minute 12th night gifts,
Becky McEllistrem (01/07/97)
13th Night,
Greg Lindahl (01/07/97)
ISO Falcone,
Otelio Randall (01/08/97)
Fwd: FYI - known world exchequers list,
Hinson, Jerome (01/08/97)
Italian Ren,
Robert J Welenc (01/08/97)
Exchequer E-mail contacts,
Hinson, Jerome (01/08/97)
G. F. Armoury Books web page -pre Gulf Wars notice,
Medievalbk (01/09/97)
Another Rilly Bad Joke,
Hinson, Jerome (01/09/97)
(fwd) Pennsic 25 Yearbook Delay (fwd),
Scott Silvers/James of Westmorland (01/09/97)
Atlantian OP Now On Line,
E L Wimett (01/09/97)
Pennsic registration,
Beverly Robinson-Curry (01/09/97)
Alys of Foxdale (01/10/97)
(Fwd) Finally the Voice of Reason,
andreah (01/10/97)
FW: Electronic polling,
Louise Sugar (01/10/97)
Out of Kingdom A&S Info - Estrella and Gulf Wars,
Charlene Noto (01/10/97)
Exchequer E-mail contacts II,
Hinson, Jerome (01/10/97)
Re: Smoking on the field (fwd),
David H Ritterskamp (01/12/97)
Tarpunto (?) Embroidery,
Jen (01/13/97)
The Arts and Sciences at 12th Night,
Charlene Noto (01/13/97)
Variety in the Activities at Kingdom events,
Charlene Noto (01/13/97)
Re: 12th Night lost and found,
James and/or Nancy Gilly (01/13/97)
Fwd: medieval,
Spedracr65 (01/13/97)
I'm baaaaack!!,
MN13189 (01/13/97)
Twelfth Night,
James and/or Nancy Gilly (01/14/97)
A question on pronunciation,
Corun MacAnndra (01/14/97)
Fwd: I'm baaaaack!!,
Hinson, Jerome (01/14/97)
Roses for the Oak,
Tom Rettie (01/14/97)
Viking Resource URL,
James and/or Nancy Gilly (01/14/97)
Re: Court is Good(tm) (Was: RE: I'm so proud.),
Heather Swann (01/15/97)
FW: Pluck Yew,
Louise Sugar (01/15/97)
Southeast Regional Fighter Practice,
HsDarkRose (01/15/97)
rave (01/15/97)
<Possible follow-up(s)>
- Re: court,
Thorpe, John (01/15/97)
- court,
LORNABAKER (01/21/97)
[MR] Thorny questions of protocol,
Alfredo el Bufon (01/15/97)
I'm so proud.,
Scott Vaughan (01/15/97)
RE: Court is Good(tm) (Was: RE: I'm so p,
Peters, Rise J. (01/15/97)
RE: Vocal projection (was Court is Good),
Becky McEllistrem (01/15/97)
RE:FW Pluck Yew,
Gene Bonar (01/15/97)
Re: Vocal projection in court,
Joy M. Herring (01/15/97)
Re: [MR] Braveheart,
Corun MacAnndra (01/15/97)
Re: [MR] Braveheart,
mn13189 (01/16/97)
Re: [MR] Braveheart,
Lance Harrop (01/17/97)
Re: [MR] Braveheart,
Mark Schuldenfrei (01/16/97)
Re: [MR] Braveheart,
Susan M. Lauber (01/16/97)
Re: [MR] Braveheart,
Corun MacAnndra (01/17/97)
Love Conquers All,
Ann Shelton (01/15/97)
Ann Shelton (01/15/97)
need an artist.,
Sca2nis (01/16/97)
Fwd: need an artist.,
Hinson, Jerome (01/16/97)
Event sites,
Hinson, Jerome (01/16/97)
Re: The Court Song,
JoLori (01/16/97)
Fwd: Re: Event sites,
Hinson, Jerome (01/16/97)
Exchequer Tax Forms,
Hinson, Jerome (01/16/97)
Fwd: Event Flyer Addition,
BranwenW (01/17/97)
Trapunto Embroidery,
Sue Humphries (01/17/97)
Cold Weather,
James and/or Nancy Gilly (01/17/97)
Are we hiccupping again?,
Beverly Robinson-Curry (01/17/97)
Combat Archery Workshop,
ACO (01/17/97)
Fwd: Are we hiccupping again?,
Hinson, Jerome (01/17/97)
University of Atlantia,
The Davidsons (01/17/97)
It's Folding Time Again!,
Rabah az-Zafar (01/17/97)
Rabah az-Zafar (01/17/97)
Greetings from the Chancellor of the University,
AtlantiaU (01/18/97)
New address,
ThomMari (01/18/97)
Professions Webpage,
Ash (01/18/97)
Fwd: [Fwd: Fwd: **********Virus Alert***********],
Lordgaelan (01/19/97)
A new book,
Edward R. Ewen, Jr. (01/19/97)
(fwd) BoD Mtg. & Atenveldt/.Artemisia (fwd),
Scott Silvers/James of Westmorland (01/19/97)
FWD:Medieval Furniture Book,
GaryH2018 (01/19/97)
Fw: Professions Webpage,
Falcone al Rasool ibn Muhajir (01/20/97)
Gulf Wars VI,
Angela Pincha-Neel - ASCC (01/20/97)
Looking for names,
Corun MacAnndra (01/20/97)
Malcolm's Webpage,
Malcolm MacCulloch (01/20/97)
More names please,
Corun MacAnndra (01/20/97)
ISO: Bookbinder,
Brocmael (01/20/97)
Research help needed,
linneah (01/20/97)
searching for addresses,
Becky McEllistrem (01/21/97)
mn13189 (01/21/97)
Coronation autocrat,
mn13189 (01/21/97)
Fwd: Coronation autocrat,
Hinson, Jerome (01/21/97)
Southern 12th Night in Cyddlain Downs,
NCTortoise (01/21/97)
Event Flier,
linneah (01/22/97)
Poulet Gauche -- NEW SITE (fwd),
Mark Schuldenfrei (01/22/97)
Peters, Rise J. (01/22/97)
BOD Educational Committee,
teresa marie nava-vaughn (01/22/97)
HRH Cuan's contact info,
Genevieve (01/22/97)
Emerald Joust Arts and Sciences,
jpbrew (01/22/97)
<Possible follow-up(s)>
- Re: Helms,
Mikhail (01/22/97)
- RE: Helms,
Gregory Stapleton (01/23/97)
Announcing Activities at Events,
Terry L. Neill (01/22/97)
Lordgaelan (01/22/97)
Attending Court,
Terry L. Neill (01/23/97)
Kingdom Event A&S,
Terry L. Neill (01/23/97)
Terry L. Neill (01/23/97)
Another A&S Idea,
Terry L. Neill (01/23/97)
RE: Inter-Kingdom Anthropology,
Randy Dees (01/24/97)
Are you out there ?,
Gene Bonar (01/24/97)
FW: REVISED: Upcoming Storvik/Roxbury A,
Peters, Rise J. (01/24/97)
RE: REVISED: Upcoming Storvik/Roxbury A,
Becky McEllistrem (01/24/97)
Re: just subscribe,
Falcone al Rasool ibn Muhajir (01/24/97)
[fwd] Record Label,
James and/or Nancy Gilly (01/24/97)
A&S Champions (was: RE: Inter-Kingdom Anthropology),
James and/or Nancy Gilly (01/24/97)
Re: Arthurian Pronunciation,
Alfredo el Bufon (01/24/97)
Vivat pro Baronis de Montibus Claribus!,
Craig Levin (01/24/97)
Known World A&S Event Announcement,
Mark Schuldenfrei (01/24/97)
FW: Madrigal Singers Feb. Concert,
Terry L. Neill (01/24/97)
upcoming Pas de Arms event,
Neil Maclay (01/24/97)
looking for...,
The Davidsons (01/24/97)
Re: Introduction,
Stephen L. Riley (01/24/97)
Bardic CIrcle,
Micah Peters (01/25/97)
University Pregistration,
AtlantiaU (01/26/97)
minstrel: Music Project (fwd),
mn13189 (01/26/97)
New to Atlantia,
DerThomain (01/26/97)
Atlantian Email List, Pt. 2,
Elizabeth Urbanik (01/26/97)
Pointless War Video,
David H Ritterskamp (01/27/97)
Stephen L. Riley (01/27/97)
<Possible follow-up(s)>
- acorn,
Stephen L. Riley (01/27/97)
24th Maryland Sheep & Wool Festival - May 3-4, 1997,
Terry L. Neill (01/27/97)
Corun MacAnndra (01/27/97)
[Event Report] Southern Twelfth Night,
Thorpe, John (01/27/97)
lochmere fighter practice,
Keith B, Vaughn (01/27/97)
Poet needs a challenge,
Harold Feld (01/27/97)
Halic (01/28/97)
Elizabeth Urbanik (01/28/97)
Heralds & Scribes Symposium,
Beverly Robinson-Curry (01/28/97)
Regional Fighter Practice,
Theunis MacDhomhnuill (01/28/97)
Re: Vivat pro Baronis de Montibus Claribus! (fwd),
Craig Levin (01/28/97)
Re: Vivat pro Baronis de Montibus Clarib,
Peters, Rise J. (01/28/97)
test, don't read,
Bryn Watkins (01/28/97)
will the real miri please stand up?,
Becky McEllistrem (01/28/97)
is there an email contact?,
Becky McEllistrem (01/28/97)
Atlantian Email List, N-Z,
Elizabeth Urbanik (01/28/97)
Re: spiffy historical web site,
Suzanne Metzler (01/29/97)
Icelandic Medieval Studies Summer Programme,
Terry L. Neill (01/29/97)
Drum Circle in Windmasters Hill,
Hinson, Jerome (01/29/97)
Armourers please!,
Silver Dreamer (01/29/97)
Beowulf Recording,
mn13189 (01/29/97)
A stirring epic from the Artemisian List,
we4 (01/29/97)
stierbach - fighters practice,
Emerald autocrat,
Robert J Welenc (01/29/97)
Beowulf CD,
Corun MacAnndra (01/29/97)
Beowulf Recording (fwd),
Craig Levin (01/30/97)
4th quarter herald's reports,
Beverly Robinson-Curry (01/30/97)
[ALERT] FW: New Scam ...,
Thorpe, John (01/30/97)
Re: Directions to University,
Robert J Welenc (01/30/97)
FW: New Book - Medieval Furniture Construction - revised post,
Gregory Stapleton (01/30/97)
The Davidsons (01/30/97)
SCA: Hello and Gulf Wars Request,
Roselyn104 (01/30/97)
[MR] Alfredus ex taberna it,
Alfredo el Bufon (01/31/97)
Love Conquers All Feb 15,
Ann Shelton (01/31/97)
U of A Weather Forecast,
Dave Montuori (01/31/97)
Thanks for directions,
Terry L. Neill (01/31/97)
Fwd: [MR] Alfredus ex taberna it,
Hinson, Jerome (01/31/97)
University Info,
Rabah az-Zafar (01/31/97)

The Merry Rose Archive