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Exchequer E-mail contacts

Poster: "Hinson, Jerome" <hinson.msalan3@mhs.unc.edu>

Unto the Patient Patrons of the Merry Rose,
Greetings (yet again) from Lady Ursula von Bremen.

This time I'm working on establishing/confirming e-mail contacts for all 
exchequers in the Kingdom.
The list below contains the following information:

GROUP NAME * Exchequer's SCA Name * Exchequer's Modern Name * e-mail 
contact information * Whether or not the person is subscribed to the 
Merry Rose.

Please check the list.  If you see any errors or have any new information 
to add, please let me know.  If you see that a group that you play with 
is lacking an e-mail contact, please let me know if you would be willing 
to act as one (seneschals in particular).

In appreciation,
AIRE FALCHON - Alys Montgomerie * Caroline M. Hildenbrand *  
ATTILLIUM - Lord Hrothgar Thorgrimmsson * Robert Faircloth * 

AZURMONT - Baron Francis of Aaron Isles * Gerald S. Coates * (c/o Tunis 
MacDonald?) *sca2nis@aol.com * Yes
BAELFIRE DUNN - Lady Brigid Ui Neill * Karin McCormick *  

BERLEY CORT - Kayla Taylor * Sandra L. Gwaltney * 

BLACK DIAMOND - Dog * John Lefcort * 
BORDER VALE KEEP - Mistress Alethea bint Fahd ibn Aktar * Gale 
Gunter-Schultz *

BRIGHT HILLS - Lady Ann Stuart * Ann Brown * 

BUCKSTON-ON-ENO - Lady Katherine Luvel * Marnie L. Garrity * (c/o Lord 
Corwyn Sinister) * ricks@acpub.duke.edu * No

CAER GELIN - Lady Katriona von Wolfenberg * Carolyn Rita Quenstadt * 

CAER MEAR - Dewi Lan * David L. Eyer *

CATHANAR - Merecwen of Cathanar * Gloria Long * chhintze@bmd.clis.com * 

CITADEL OF THE FOUR WINDS - Baroness Ragnell Gry * Beth McKenzie * 

CRANNOG MOR - Vicountes Leia di Capraia * Leia Marx * compuserve@10135,42 
* No  
CWMNEWYDD - Seneschal & Exchequer Unknown *

CYDDLAIN DOWNS - Allison Goff * Celeste Smith * 
DRACHENTOR - Lady Eleanore Spyrling * Elizabeth Sue Urbanik * 
eurbanik@leo.vsla.edu * Yes

DUNN CARRAIG - Mistress Rose of Black Diamond * Lisa Oswald * 
ELVEGAST - Lady Brigid of Linnhe * Laurie Kovaleski * 
nudvllk@gwgate.bas.ncsu.edu * No

FALCON CREE - Lady Wolfhild of Saxony * Vicky S. Charbonnet * 

FORTALEZA - Duchess Luned of Snowdon * Diane Stevens * 

GALYARDE'S BASTION - Hersir Kveld-Ulf Inn Berserker * Ronald R. Smith *

GUARDIANS OF THE SACRED STONE - Lady Sibilla of the Guardians * Vicky 
Whitesides Williams * 
vickieww@ctc.net * No

HAWKWOOD - Lady Katherine d'Armagh * Kathy L. Eubanks * eubanks@ioa.com * 

HIDDEN MOUNTAIN - Duchess Simone de Barjaval * Sarah Duncan McFadden * 

HIGHLAND FOORDE - James of Rutland * James Dronenberg * Rutlands@aol.com 
* Yes

HINDSCROFT - Lady Ellyn Grey * Nell Nordin * 

ISENFIR - Dosso del Brachetto * Robert John Kuntz *

KAPPELLENBERG - Bryn y Pobydd * Bryn Watkins * bryn@tibinc.com * Yes

KESTREL'S KEEP - Michelle * Jennifer Lynn Stogner *  

LOCHMERE - Soibhan O'Riordain * Debra Appel Jaggard * debsiobhan@aol.com 
* No

MARINUS - Lady Alexandra of Clan Donald * Alexandra Johnson *

MARSHAL'S KEEP - (new exchequer pending) 

MISTY MARSH BY THE SEA - Ann of Banning * Ann F. Banning * 

NANT GERWYN - Inogen of Clonmel * Bonnie Hummel * 
NOTTINGHILL  COILL - Baroness Anne le Coeur * Ann R. Shelton *

PONTE ALTO - Tirloch of Tallaght * Thomas William Bilodeau * 
tirloch@mindspring.com * Yes

RAVEN'S COVE - ? * Tarinna Crow * 

RENCESTER - Ryan Snead? * Alison Armstrong? * arsevi@mail.wm.edu * No

ROXBURY MILL - Helena of Roxbury *  * Fun4Kathy@aol.com * Yes

SACRED STONE - Baroness Susan Douglas of Andover * Susan R. Osborne *

ST. MICHAEL'S KEEP - Lucas Blakthorn * Joe Burch * JKJBurch@aol.com

ST. STEPHEN - ? * Shelley Bittenbinder * 
SAXON MOOR - Baroness Alayna of Snow Camp * Dorothy Lyn Thompson * 
dthompson@sophia.sph.unc.edu * No 

SEAREACH - Lady Alesia Gillefalyn * Bonnie Clark * (current exchequer 
recently resigned - no replacement has been announced, therefore I have 
listed the seneschal) * 

SHENDALE - Diego Santiago de Arcos * John B. Wells III * 

SPIAGGIA LEVANTINA - Lord Damianus Petrolino * Daniel Gordon Peters * 

STIERBACH - Anne of Corbridge * Victoria A. Smith * 
STORVIK - Patrick Ravensclaw * Kevin McPhee * Kevin_McPhee@mail.house.gov 
* Yes  

SYLVAN KEEP - ? * Carmen Hosler-Moran * Karma@jhunix.hcf.jhu.edu * No

TEAR SEA'S SHORE - Mistress Alisoun McCoul of Elphane * E.L. Wimett * 
SILVERDRAGON@Charleston.Net * Yes
TIR-Y-DON - Gabriella del Falco * Patricia Bowman * 

WINDMASTERS' HILL - Lord Calli * Scott Callicutt * calli@atlantia.sca.org 
* No

YARNVID - Baroness Lecelin of Ravenscroft * Leslie K. Jones * 

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