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Exchequer E-mail contacts

Poster: "Hinson, Jerome" <hinson.msalan3@mhs.unc.edu>

Unto the Patient Patrons of the Merry Rose,
Greetings (yet again) from Lady Ursula von Bremen.

I'm working on establishing/confirming e-mail contacts for all exchequers 
in the Kingdom.
The list below contains the following information:

GROUP NAME * Exchequer's SCA Name * Exchequer's Modern Name * e-mail 
contact information * Whether or not the person is subscribed to the 
Merry Rose.

RECEIVED AS OF THURSDAY, 01/09/97 5:09pm.

Please check the list.  If you see any errors or have any new information 
to add, please let me know.  If you see that a group that you play with 
is lacking an e-mail contact, please let me know if you would be willing 
to act as one (seneschals in particular).

In appreciation,
AIRE FALCHON - Alys Montgomerie * Caroline M. Hildenbrand *  
ATTILLIUM - Lord Hrothgar Thorgrimmsson * Robert Faircloth * 

AZURMONT - Baron Francis of Aaron Isles * Gerald S. Coates * (c/o Tunis 
MacDonald?) *sca2nis@aol.com * Yes
BAELFIRE DUNN - Lady Brigid Ui Neill * Karin McCormick *  

BERLEY CORT - Kayla Taylor * Sandra L. Gwaltney * 

BLACK DIAMOND - Dog * John Lefcort * leftyj@vt.edu * No
BORDER VALE KEEP - Mistress Alethea bint Fahd ibn Aktar * Gale 
Gunter-Schultz *

BRIGHT HILLS - Lady Ann Stuart * Ann Brown * 

BUCKSTON-ON-ENO - Lady Katherine Luvel * Marnie L. Garrity * (c/o Lord 
Corwyn Sinister) * ricks@acpub.duke.edu * No

CAER GELIN - Lady Katriona von Wolfenberg * Carolyn Rita Quenstadt * 

CAER MEAR - Dewi Lan * David L. Eyer * 75353.623@compuserve.com * Yes

CATHANAR - Merecwen of Cathanar * Gloria Long * (c/o Christoph Hintze) 
chhintze@bmd.clis.com * Yes

CITADEL OF THE FOUR WINDS - Baroness Ragnell Gry * Beth McKenzie * 

CRANNOG MOR - Vicountes Leia di Capraia * Leia Marx * compuserve@10135,42 
* No  
CWM NEWYDD (pronounced "Coom-neh-with", in case you've wondered) - Ragnar 
Reinulf * James Ghent * jghent.vt.edu * Yes

CYDDLAIN DOWNS - Allison Goff * Celeste Smith * (c/o Master Thomas Smith 
of Ayr) etsmith@scsn.net * Yes
DRACHENTOR - Lady Eleanore Spyrling * Elizabeth Sue Urbanik * 
eurbanik@leo.vsla.edu * Yes

DUNN CARRAIG - Mistress Rose of Black Diamond * Lisa Oswald * (c/o 
Arianna Morgan) Chrissings@aol.com * Yes
ELVEGAST - Lady Brigid of Linnhe * Laurie Kovaleski * 
nudvllk@gwgate.bas.ncsu.edu * No

FALCON CREE - Lady Wolfhild of Saxony * Vicky S. Charbonnet * 

FORTALEZA - Duchess Luned of Snowdon * Diane Stevens * 

GALYARDE'S BASTION - Hersir Kveld-Ulf Inn Berserker * Ronald R. Smith *

GUARDIANS OF THE SACRED STONE - Lady Sibilla of the Guardians * Vicky 
Whitesides Williams * 
vickieww@CTC.Net * Yes

HAWKWOOD - Lady Katherine d'Armagh * Kathy L. Eubanks * eubanks@ioa.com * 

HIDDEN MOUNTAIN - Duchess Simone de Barjaval * Sarah Duncan McFadden * 

HIGHLAND FOORDE - James of Rutland * James Dronenberg * Rutlands@aol.com 
* Yes

HINDSCROFT - Lady Ellyn Grey * Nell Nordin * 

ISENFIR - Dosso del Brachetto * Robert John Kuntz *

KAPPELLENBERG - Bryn y Pobydd * Bryn Watkins * bryn@tibinc.com * Yes

KESTREL'S KEEP - Michelle * Jennifer Lynn Stogner *  

LOCHMERE - Soibhan O'Riordain * Debra Appel Jaggard * debsiobhan@aol.com 
* No

MARINUS - Lady Alexandra of Clan Donald * Alexandra Johnson * (NOTE - 
this person is moving to AEthelmearc - replacement pending * (c/o Laird 
Alasdair mac Ian of Elderslie) KatieMorag@worldnet.att.net * Yes

MARSHAL'S KEEP - James of Westmorland * Scott Silvers * (new exchequer 
pending) * ssilvers@liberty.uc.wlu.edu * Yes 

MISTY MARSH BY THE SEA - Ann of Banning * Ann F. Banning * 

NANT GERWYN - Inogen of Clonmel * Bonnie Hummel * 
NOTTINGHILL  COILL - Baroness Anne le Coeur * Ann R. Shelton * 
sheltons@conterra.com * Yes

PONTE ALTO - Tirloch of Tallaght * Thomas William Bilodeau * 
tirloch@mindspring.com * Yes

RAVEN'S COVE - ? * Tarinna Crow * 

RENCESTER - Ryan Snead? * Alison Armstrong? * arsevi@mail.wm.edu * No

ROXBURY MILL - Helena of Roxbury * Kathy Gildemeister * Fun4Kathy@aol.com 
* Yes

SACRED STONE - Baroness Susan Douglas of Andover * Susan R. Osborne *

ST. MICHAEL'S KEEP - Lucas Blakthorn * Joe Burch * JKJBurch@aol.com

ST. STEPHEN - ? * Shelley Bittenbinder * 
SAXON MOOR - Baroness Alayna of Snow Camp * Dorothy Lyn Thompson * 
dthompson@sophia.sph.unc.edu * No 

SEAREACH - Lady Alesia Gillefalyn * Bonnie Clark * (current exchequer 
recently resigned - no replacement has been announced, therefore I have 
listed the seneschal) * 

SHENDALE - Diego Santiago de Arcos * John B. Wells III * 

SPIAGGIA LEVANTINA - Lord Damianus Petrolino * Daniel Gordon Peters * 

STIERBACH - Anne of Corbridge * Victoria A. Smith * 
STORVIK - Patrick Ravensclaw * Kevin McPhee * Kevin.McPhee@mail.house.gov 
* Yes  

SYLVAN KEEP - ? * Carmen Hosler-Moran * Karma@jhunix.hcf.jhu.edu * No

TEAR SEA'S SHORE - Mistress Alisoun McCoul of Elphane * E.L. Wimett * 
SILVERDRAGON@Charleston.Net * Yes
TIR-Y-DON - Gabriella del Falco * Patricia Bowman * 

WINDMASTERS' HILL - Lord Calli * Scott Callicutt * calli@atlantia.sca.org 
* No

YARNVID - Baroness Lecelin of Ravenscroft * Leslie K. Jones * 

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