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(fwd) Pennsic 25 Yearbook Delay (fwd)
Poster: Scott Silvers/James of Westmorland <ssilvers@liberty.uc.wlu.edu>
I just found this on the Rialto and thought I'd send it here just
in case anyone else was wondering what happened to their copies of the book.
From: "Julia C. Tenney" <tenney@tenney.org>
Newsgroups: rec.org.sca
Subject: Pennsic 25 Yearbook Delay
Date: Thu, 09 Jan 1997 15:58:57 +0000
Organization: 10-E
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Pennsic 25 Yearbook is Delayed.
I finally found my receipt and called Poor Scribes Publishing.
Apparently, there was a major hardware crash. It sounds like they may be
rebuilding everything from original hard copy.
Letters of explanation are going out this or next week.
They just printed up the mailing labels.
The new release date is apparently sometime in March.
They lost the hardware shortly after getting net access, hence asked
someone else - me - to post this update for them. I am not affiliated
and have no more information than what I've posted here.
Please forward this as appropriate to private SCA mailing lists that may
serve those who don't read this ng, thank you.
in service,
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