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Re: Recipe quest
Poster: Tom Brady <tabrady@mindspring.com>
At 02:51 PM 1/1/97 -0500, Alanna wrote:
>I am in search, my lords and ladies, of a recipe. At the Twelfth Night held
>in Lochmere two years ago I won in the raffling a most delicious loaf of a
>caraway-seed cake. I believe it was also labled "Nuns' Bread" or "Nuns'
>Cake". (Can't remember which.) I have searched for the recipe since then
>without success.
>Does anybody know of this cake/bread? I would be most appreciative of the
Never being able to resist a challenge, here's a recipe I was able to track
down through Alta Vista (no really, I do have a life...I think it's over
there under those printouts...)
This recipe is from the Cheshire Crafts cake recipe archive
>MMMMM----- Recipe via Meal-Master (tm) v8.02
> Title: Nun's Cake
> Categories: Cakes, 1941
> Yield: 6 servings
> 1 c Butter or butter substitute 2 1/2 ts Baking powder
> 1 1/2 c Powdered sugar 1/4 ts Salt
> 5 Egg yolks 3 ts Caraway seed
> 2 Egg whites 2 ts Rose water flavoring
> 3/4 c Milk 1/2 ts Cinnamon flavoring
> 3 c Cake flour
> Prize winning recipe
> Cream butter. Add sugar and yolks of eggs. Beat thoroughly. Stir in
> unbeaten whites of eggs and beat mixture. Sift flour, measure, and
> sift with baking powder and salt. Add alternately with milk to first
> mixture. Sprinkle in caraway seed, beat well, and add flavorings.
> Pour into well-oiled loaf pan. Bake in moderate oven (375 F) 1 hour.
> Substitute 1 teaspoon vanilla flavoring for caraway seed, rose water,
> and cinnamon if desired. Mrs. C.E. Beam, Statesville, N.C.
Elvegast, Windmasters' Hill
Tom Brady tabrady@mindspring.com SCA: Duncan MacKinnon
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