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Bardic CIrcle

Poster: Micah Peters <damndane@twics.com>

I am forming a record label that will professionally produce and release
the works of SCAdian performers and pay them for their efforts. For lack of
a better name I have tentatively named the label "Bardic Circle".

The project I spoke of is to release a compilation CD (about 74 minutes/18
tracks) of period, filk, bardic, etc... performed by SCAdian artists from
around the Known World. The disc would be sold thru reputable SCAdian
merchants at a suggested price of $13.00 (P&H included). If all goes well,
as I surely hope, a new disc would be released each quarter.

There is also the possibility of producing and releasing non-compilation
discs that would feature the music of just one, maybe two, SCAdian

Marketing efforts would include a dedicated web-site (pictures, lyrics,
audio samples, bio's and contact information), advertisements or press
releases in all Kingdom Newsletters / T.I., color brochures sent out by
merchants who carry the discs and courtesy copies to various people.

Financially the label is solid (This means I AM NOT ASKING FOR YOUR MONEY).
However, I am only one-person, at least that is what the shrink keeps
trying to tell me, and I need your help if this label is to succeed. I am
looking for the following:

1. Anyone who would be willing to listen to my ideas and tear them apart
bit by bit to find faults and room for improvement, occasional compliments
permitted as well

2. Anyone willing to screen/review submissions

3. Bards and Musicians willing to submit (I know how that sounds, but it's
not what I mean)

5. Cover artwork

6. The names, numbers and addresses of Merchants that might be interested
in carrying the CD's

7. And many more things that are escaping my over worked mind.

Be forwarned that I will reward all who help...

In Service,

Micah the Damned Dane

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