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University Pregistration

Poster: AtlantiaU@aol.com

To the right noble and worthy populace of Atlantia, greetings from Mistress
Deirdre O'Siodhachain, Chancellor of the University:

A number of people have tried to pregister for University on February 1 via
electronic mail.  It is with apologies I must make clear that at the present
time the University does not accept e-mail preregistration.

There are several issues involved in accepting e-mail preregistration that
must be resolved before I will change this policy.

First and foremost is an issue of fairness.  It is difficult to remember for
those of us who have access to the wonders of the world of computer
communications, but many, many people still rely on the telephone and the
U.S. postal service for their communications.  Very popular classes with
limited enrollment fill up fast.  Consider a catalog received in the first
days of the month; e-mail users can respond within hours, others would have
at least a three-day turnaround on their response.  I cannot in good
conscience stack the deck so much in any group's favor.

A few classes have a materials fee associated with them.  The University
collects the fees from anyone preregistering.  This enables the teacher to
have a clear headcount on which to base their materials purchase and the
University can reimburse them entirely for the amount of the preregistration.
(Students registering the day of University pay directly to the instructor.)
 Thus even if a student does not show up, the teacher is not out of pocket
for the cost.  Registration by e-mail precludes this measure since money
cannot be sent.

Also, if you will look at the registration form for University which appeared
in the December Acorn, you will note there are certain pieces of information
that our registrar requests to enable her to maintain the records of
University fully and accurately.  While not a great matter, it does mean the
attendence of teachers and students are more likely to be properly accounted
for and the awarding of degrees to be done correctly.  The registrar also
uses this information to analyze University attendence so we know when we
have things like record attendence, and what areas of the kingdom are
represented.  While e-mail may be a greater convenience for some students, it
is not necessairly for our staff's administration in terms of getting
complete information.

All of the above does not mean this policy is etched in stone.  I am more
than willing to entertain suggestions on how e-mail preregistration might be
done.  Please be aware that I do not subscribe to the Merry Rose, and if you
have a suggestion it should be sent directly to me.

If you have sent in an e-mail request to be registered for classes, I am not
ignoring it.  It will be passed on to the registrar.  However, these final
days before University are busy ones and you should take this into account.
 In all likelihood the class you want will have space on the day of the

For the curious, the classes on Naalbinding and Drawnwork are both full and
have long waiting lists.  All other classes still have space available.  I am
very much looking forward to seeing many of you next Saturday in Drachentor.

Your servant,

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