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[Event Report] Southern Twelfth Night

Poster: "Thorpe, John" <thorpj@caepo1.columbiaSC.NCR.COM>

Greetings unto all whom these presents may come!

     Inspired by the canton chronicler from Falcon Cree, my
Lady and I prepared a brief event report for Southern 12th Night.
The chronicler insisted on a court report and an account of all
frou possible.  8^)  Without further ado, may I present:

Memories from Southern Twelfth Night

        Southern Twelfth Night was held in Cydllain Downs on January
18th.  More than 100 people were in attendance, including some of
our neighbors from Windmaster's Hill, Sacred Stone, Hidden Mountain,
and Bordervale Keep.  Among the notable nobles were Duchess Marie
Simone de Barjavel 'la Fildena, Baroness of Hidden Mountain; Grafin
Judith von Gruenwald; Baroness Ceridwen ferch Owain, Windmaster's
Hill; Mistress Alisoun MacCoul of Elphane; Sir Aelfred of Cres; Sir
Malachi Halfdan Brightskull; and Mistress Aodh Marland.

        Two of the most memorable ensembles were worn by Duchess
Simone and Lord Donal Makbriar.  Her Grace wore an Elizabethan gown
of brocaded cream-colored fabric, beadwork, and elaborate gold trim.
Lord Donal, our Baronial Seneschal, cut quite the dashing figure in
a green and gold velvet Tudor outfit.  The day's activities
proceeded in a relaxed atmosphere.  Gentles young and old played
games of strategy and chance.  Many present joined in learning and
participating in various dances, such as Hole-in-the-Wall, Strip the
Willow (rather dizzying), Toss the Duchess, and The Korabushka.  The
Arts and Sciences competition displayed the talents of many with
such items as herbed vinegars, mead, embroidered game boards, and
elaborate Elizabethan clothing.

     Corwyn and Deirdre, Baron and Baroness of Nottinghill
Coill, held court immediately prior to the feast.  Moirah Makbriar
became a Companion of the Coill's Bells for her service to the Barony.
Mistress Aodh Marland (usually called Adendra) was admitted to the
Order of the Silver Knot in recognition of her long-time service as a
Chirurgeon.  The Silver Knot is Nottinghill Coill's service award
given to those who do not reside in the Barony.  The Order of the
Gordian Knot received three new Companions: Sayyid Asim al-Talib,
Lord Galdemar le Farceur, and Lord Astil Alyson Sandilands. Asim,
who is unable to refuse a request for volunteers, has served the
Barony in many ways, from holding office to the humblest of tasks.
Galdemar's dedication to the children of our Barony has won him
recognition.  Astil has served the Barony not only in his capacity
as Falcon Cree's Seneschal, but also by helping coordinate activities
throughout the Barony.  Awards for the A&S competition were presented
during a brief court between removes of the feast.  Lord Thylacinus
Aquila received first place for his embroidered chess board.  Lady
Isabeau Cranach took second place for her embroidered Nine Men's
Morris board.

     A sumptuous two-remove feast was prepared by Grafin Judith
and Lord John le Burgullin with the aid of numerous volunteers.
Among the delicacies served were roast pig, stuffed dates, period
lasagna, marinated vegetables, spinach pie, and daryolas.  Each
dish that left the kitchen was properly garnished by Grafin Judith
with the admonishment, "No nekkid food!".  Grafin Judith presented
"Miss Piggy's" head, adorned with a garland of flowers, and feet
(properly manicured by Master Thomas), to the populace at the
beginning of the second remove.  After a suitable interval of
recovery from the feasting, some of the attendees participated in
another round of dancing and post-revelry.

In Service,
Ealdthryth of Humbrestone
Eldred AElfwald

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