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Icelandic Medieval Studies Summer Programme

Poster: "Terry L. Neill" <Neilltl@ptsc.slg.eds.com>

This is from the H-SKAND (Scandanavian History) list.

        - Anarra

Haskoli Islands
University of Iceland

Icelandic Medieval Studies Summer Programme

14 - 25 July 1997

Programme Director:
Dr. Zlfar Bragason, Director of the Sigurdur Nordal Institute

A new interdisciplinary summer programme,
focussing on Iceland in the Middle Ages.
The Icelandic Medieval Studies Summer Programme is intended
primarily for
those who are currently undergraduate and graduate students,
as well as college and university teachers.
Approximately 30 participants can be accepted in the programme.
Instruction is in English.

The teaching is given in two small special subject classes, led by
Icelandic experts, 15 hours a week. The subjects for the classes
Norse Mythology and the Eddas,
The Vikings and discovery of America,
Archaeological approach to the Icelandic sagas,
The Icelandic sagas as European literature of the high middle ages.
The texts for the classes can be read either in the Old
or in modern English translation.
In addition there is a series of 10 plenary lectures
extending the topics for study and discussion.
        Excursion will be made to Reykholt, the home of Snorri the
historian, and to pingvellir, the old Parliament site.
Participants will be provided with certificate
upon the completion of the programme.

Tuition fee
USD 450 covers instruction, lectures and excursions

Accommodation can be arranged in private homes and dormitories.

Application forms and further information are available from:
Icelandic Medieval Studies Summer Programme
Sigurdur Nordal Institute
P.O. Box 1220
121 Reykjavmk

e-mail: ulfarb@rhi.hi.is

The deadline for application is April 15, 1997
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