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Known World A&S Event Announcement

Poster: Mark Schuldenfrei <schuldy@abel.math.harvard.edu>

[I am attempting to post this to the following addresses: please assist if
they bounce?  Thanks.  -- Tibor.  

ansteorra@eden.com	antir@mail.orst.edu	atenveldt@atenveldt.org
atlantia@csc.ncsu.edu	calontir@unl.edu	carolingia@bloom-beacon,mit.edu
culinary@u.washington.edu	ealdormere-l@informer1.CIS.McMaster.CA
jaymin@maths.tcd.ie	meridies@web.ce.utk.edu		minstrel@pbm.com
northshield@stolaf.edu	outlands@unm.edu	sca-aethelmearc@andrew.cmu.edu
sca-caid@anthrax.ecst.csuchico.edu	sca-chroniclers@dnaco.net
sca-east@world.std.com	sca-fence@middlebridge.midrealm.org
sca-middle@dnaco.net	sca-west@anthrax.ecst.csuchico.edu

(Carolingia, East Kingdom)

The Barony of Carolingia (Boston MA), and the East Kingdom, are pleased
to invite teachers and attendees to this years Known World Arts and
Sciences Symposium.  Thanks to the sponsorship of the Corporate A&S
officer, and with your help, we will host one of the best special
interest events for those that choose to study the arts and sciences of
our period.  We hope to attract a large number of students and

The event will be held in the Boston area, at Medford High School (489
Winthrop Street, Medford, MA), May 17th, 1997.  Doors will open at 9
AM, short opening ceremonies at 9:30 AM, and classes will run from from
roughly 10 AM until 4 PM.  An optional (period) feast will be served at
around 7:30, purchasable in advance (175 seats total).  There will be
room for those who prefer to bring their own meals to eat those in the
hall as well. (All schedules subject to change)

MAKE YOUR TRAVEL PLANS EARLY.  May is graduation time in Boston, and
the cheaper motels and airfares become rapidly filled.  Limited crash
space may be available, but it is best to make your own crash space
arrangements in advance.

We are planning a very special day: we hope to fill as many as 10
classrooms with a full day of classes.  There will be proceedings
available to purchase, and we will have a special room available to
schedule performances (bardic, choral, instrumental, theatrical or
whatever.)  We hope to arrange some special entertainment for the

What would an A&S symposium be without teachers?  We encourage anyone
to submit class materials and subjects for the schedule.  Teachers are
guaranteed up to 4 pages in the proceedings, and additional space may
be available.  Teachers who cannot come may also submit articles, which
may be printed on a space available basis.  Prices for the proceedings
will vary depending upon final page count: but contributors will get
them at a reduced price.  Sample proceedings should be available at the
event, and final products should be shipped within a few weeks of the
event (probably by book rate).  Preliminary estimates for the
proceedings show them to be quite reasonable.

Class submissions should be sent to
    Dame Elayne Courtenay OL (Denise Cross)
    14 Waldo Rd.
    Arlington MA 02174
    dcross@world.std.com +1 617 646 2442

Elayne has previously organized classes for Pennsic, and she is surely
up to the challenge.  Class suggestions and submissions are due to her
by April 1, 1997.

Submissions for the proceedings should be sent in one of the formats
that Macintosh Microsoft Word can read, on a high density diskette or
emailed to
    Oohashi Katsutoshi-Sensei, OL (Bill Whitley)
    52 Church St.
    Holliston MA 01746-2120
    toshi@world.std.com +1 508 429 8299

Final submissions for the proceedings are due April 15, 1997.

Boston is a wonderful city to visit.  Amongst its many charms are a
large number of museums of interest to Society members.  We are in the
process of contacting the various museums to see if we can arrange
special docent tours or group discounts, for the day following Known
World Arts and Sciences.  More information will be sent in response to
each reservation.  Museums we are contacting include Museum of Science
(which will have an exhibit on Leonardo da Vinci), Museum of Fine Art
(art, instruments, tapestries, etcetera), Isabella Stuart Gardner
Museum (more period art and artifacts), Plymouth Plantation, Fogg Art
Museum, Museum of American Textiles (opening soon), Higgins Armory
Museum and whatever else we can come up with.  Some of those museums
are a car ride away: but all are easily reached from Boston.  We will
provide directions, lists of exhibits and lectures for your perusal
before the event.

Merchant space will be available.  We can arrange for tables and chairs
to be rented for you, or you may provide your own.  We will jury
vendors for appropriateness to the event.  We do not yet know how much
merchant space will be available.  Contact the autocrats for
information and merchant reservations.

If there is something that we can provide for you, just ask.  We'd be
happy to oblige.

Reservations should go to
    Ingeborg Thorsdatter (Beata Thorstensen)
    14 Tobin Ave.
    North Chelmsford, MA 01863-2043
    beata@sun.org +1 508 251 4954

Advance queries should go to one of the co-autocrats
    Tibor of Rock Valley (Mark Schuldenfrei)
    109 Milton Street
    Arlington MA 02174-8734
    schuldy@math.harvard.edu +1 617 648 5326,

As his lady is expecting a child near the day of the event, all inquiries after May 1, 1997 should go to the other co-autocrat
    Isolde of Beaumaris (Ilana Krug)
    59 Dartmouth St,
    Waltham MA 02154
    GRIFFINICK@aol.com +1 617 891 1324

Adult fees are $8 to attend, and an additional $8 for dinner.
Children's prices can be arranged.  If you have any questions about
price, let us know. There will be a lunch break, but no lunch will be

ALL RESERVATIONS should be accompanied by a SASE.  We will send you a
menu for the feast, directions, preliminary class lists, motel lists,
and a quickie check-in card that you can use to drop and go, instead of
waiting at the door.  No SASE, no preliminary information...

We have a block of rooms reserved in the Holiday Inn in Tewksbury MA.
The rooms are listed under Society for Creative Anachronism, and are 99
dollars The block is good until April 25th, 1997.  Special requests
must be made at the time of reservation.  We are holding 35 rooms for
the 16th and 18th, and 75 rooms for the 17th.  Contact information for
the motel is Holiday Inn Tewksbury-Andover 4 Highwood Dr, Tewksbury, MA
01876 (+1 508 640 9000)

The cook is
    Julian Le Scot (Scott Venable)
    7 Clark St.
    Wilmington MA 01887
    svenable@juno.com +1 508 657 5537

It is his intention to serve a feast that will satisfy both a
vegetarian and an omnivore: special dietary requests and needs should
be directed to him, far enough in advance that he can consider them.

We look forward to seeing you all May 17th!
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            Submissions:  atlantia@atlantia.sca.org
        Admin. requests:  majordomo@atlantia.sca.org