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Re: [MR] Braveheart
Poster: Corun MacAnndra <corun@access.digex.net>
William wrote:
> Seeing as you don't find voluminous volumes on William Wallace at the local
> library, could you sum up some of the film's major inaccuracies? I've been
> curious about the real story since I first saw the flick. If it's too long,
> email me direct (cgscoop@aol.com)
First let me disclaim that I am no expert on Wallace and that period of
Scottish history. I am, however, quite fortunate that my Lady, Alianora
Munro, is a Scottish historian, and I got to listen to her rant on about
the film. She is currently not subscribed to the Rose, but I'll ask her
to cite some references which I will then post here.
No kilts. No woad. The former wouldn't be worn for a couple hundred years
yet, and the latter hadn't been worn for a couple hundred years. Add to
that the fact that Wallace and his people were all Lowland Scots, and the
film portrayed them as Higlanders. The clothing the Lowland Scot affected
was in keeping with what would have been worn at the English or even
French courts (at least for the Scottish nobles, which is what Wallace
and Bruce were). Lots of frills and stuff.
Wallace could not have fathered a child on the Princess either, since
she did not give birth until six years *after* Wallace's death. That
would have either been one hellaciously long labour, or an immaculate
conception to beat all immaculate conceptions. (Wallace was drawn and
quartered. This would give a whole new meaning to being one quarter Scot).
Lastly, where was the bloody bridge on which the Battle of Stamford
Bridge was fought?
I'll give the film makers this; the fight scenes were done very well
and portrayed medaeval warfare pretty accurately....except for the
mooning of course. ;-)
In service,
Corun MacAnndra | You got your wig in one hand and your teeth in the
Dark Horde by birth | other, and you haven't looked this good in days
Moritu by choice | King Biscuit Boy
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