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Event Flier
Poster: linneah@erols.com
Greetings unto the populace! I have forwarded this event flier to remind
everyone that University isn't the only thing there is to do in February. This is
a beautiful site with wonderful atmosphere. PARENTS: please note that the
children will have a children's feast early and childcare will be provided
during the adult feast. This means that you may finally get to eat and enjoy the
Also note that, in recognition of Women's History Month in March, there is an
essay contest for stories about Medieval women - group or individual; real or
fictional. Please email me directly for information. You may send in your
essays early to the autocrat, or email them to me - NOTE: since I am judging, if
you email, please be anonymous, if that's possible.
Hope to see y'all there!
Mid-Winter's Masque IV
February 15
When the bitter cold winds come howling through your castle
halls, and the boredom of winter threatens your sanity, harness
your horses to the sleighs and journey to the balmy shores of the
Barony of Marinus for a day of feasting, entertainment and
dancing. The event will be held at Camp Darden (Girl Scout
Camp) on Route 643 in Franklin, VA. There is a phone onsite for
emergencies only (804) 562-2694. The doors open at 9 am Saturday
and close 2 pm on Sunday. Troll is open from 10 to 5 pm.
Activities will start by 11 am. The site is dry and no pets are
allowed. A scrumptious feast will be prepared by Lady Lavendar
Rose Morgan. The fees for the event are:
(Now to Feb 6)
(Feb 7 to door)
$5.00 (Day Trip)
Children: (Birth to 13 years old, Now
to the door):
Onboard, with childcare:
$5.00 (children's feast)
Adults Feast, no care:
Onboard, no childcare:
$3.00 (children's feast)
Offboard, with childcare:
Offboard, no childcare:
Make checks payable to "Barony of Marinus/SCA, Inc.". Send
reservations to the autocrat, Lady Brandwyn Alston of the Rift
(Stella Brindle) 853-5 S. Clubhouse Road, Virginia Beach, VA
23452-6446, (757) 340-2274 (NLT 10 pm).
Activities: We will have dancing, boffer games, dart tourney,
games tourney, period games to play and a feast at 6 pm.
Children's activities include boffer games, fox-n-geese game,
painting, necklaces and making masks. There will be a children's
feast (5 pm) with "real food" and child care will be provided by
Advantage. Marinus child care policy will be in effect. (Child care 6
to 11 pm).
Kingdom Fundraiser: Valentine Auction - bring money and a
valentine to auction. Your valentine could be anything from a
back rub, a card or garb instruction to a pie, basket of sweets, or
some other service. The money raised will go to The Oak,
Atlantia's A&S Newsletter.
Competitions: Best Dancing Garb, best reverance (bow/curtsy), best
mask, best desert or sotelty (Baronial Fundraiser by penny vote),
and an essay about medieval women (group or individual, real or
fiction). Children's Competitions: best mask, best reverance. Call
autocrat for details and rules of competitions.
Merchants: Set-up your wares and get in for 1/2 price!!! Bring
tables and chairs.
Entertainers: Mid-Eastern dancers, Jugglers, Bards, Storytellers and
Musicians; get $2.00 off site fee if you perform at least 3 times
during the day for the populace. Contact the autocrat to be put on
the entertainment list.
Bring your beds! There will be room for sleeping in the main hall
and in Union Hall. Bring air mattresses, blankets and pillows for
Saturday night. Call autocrat for crash space for Friday night.
Union Hall will have quiet hours beginning at 9 pm. The halls are
heated by fireplaces and some space heaters (bring one if you think
you will get cold).
Take US 58 West Business Route through Franklin, VA. Turn
right (left if you come from 58 East) onto Hunterdale Road. Go
approximately 7 miles and turn left onto Route 632. Go 1 mile and
turn left onto Route 643. The camp entrance is approximately 1
mile down on the right. Do not stop at the caretakers house. SCA
signs will be posted.
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Submissions: atlantia@atlantia.sca.org
Admin. requests: majordomo@atlantia.sca.org