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Cold Weather

Poster: James and/or Nancy Gilly <KatieMorag@worldnet.att.net>

>Sender: Renaissance Dance Mailing List <RENDANCE@morgan.ucs.mun.ca>
>From: Deborah Sweet <dssweet@OKWAY.OKSTATE.EDU>
>To: Multiple recipients of list RENDANCE <RENDANCE@morgan.ucs.mun.ca>
>Subject: Cold Weather
>Date: Fri, 17 Jan 97 18:06:16 +0000
>This is wonderful.               Debby
>______________________________ Forward Header
>Subject: Cold Weather
>Author:  Jacqueline Molloy at Arts-and-Sciences-2
>Date:    1/17/97 9:53 AM
>---------- Forwarded message ----------
>The coldest air of the season is now entering the United States. As a
>public service, I am providing the following temperature table to show
>you the effects of and help you deal with the impending arctic blast.
>               (degrees Fahrenheit / Celsius)
>      +50 / +10
>        * New York tenants turn on the heat
>        * Wisconsinites plant gardens
>        * Airmass too stable for supercells
>      +40 / +4
>        * Californians shiver uncontrollably
>        * Wisconsinites sunbathe
>      +35 / +2
>        * Italian cars don't start
>      +32 / 0
>        * Distilled water freezes
>      +30 / -1
>        * You can see your breath
>        * You plan a vacation in Florida
>        * Politicians begin to worry about the homeless
>        * Wisconsinites eat ice cream
>      +25 / -4
>        * Boston water freezes
>        * Californians weep pitiably
>        * Cat insists on sleeping on your bed with you
>      +20 / -7
>        * Cleveland water freezes
>        * San Franciscans start thinking favorably of LA
>        * Green Bay Packers fans put on T-shirts
>      +15 / -10
>        * You plan a vacation in Acapulco
>        * Cat insists on sleeping under the covers with you
>        * Wisconsinites go swimming
>      +10 / -12
>        * Politicians begin to talk about the homeless
>        * Too cold to snow
>        * You need jumper cables to get the car going
>      0 / -18
>        * New York landlords turn on the heat
>        * Sheboygan brats grilled on the patio, yum!
>      -5 / -21
>        * You can hear your breath
>        * You plan a vacation in Hawaii
>      -10 / -23
>        * American cars don't start
>        * Too cold to skate
>      -15 / -26
>        * You can cut your breath and use it to build an igloo
>        * Miamians cease to exist
>        * Wisconsinites lick flagpoles
>      -20 / -29
>        * Cat insists on sleeping in your pajamas with you
>        * Politicians actually do something about the homeless
>        * People in Green Bay think about taking down screens
>        * Every other storm chaser thinks air is too stable for
>          supercells
>      -25 / -32
>        * Too cold to kiss
>        * You need jumper cables to get the driver going
>        * Japanese cars don't start
>        * Milwaukee Brewers head for spring training
>      -30 / -34
>        * You plan a two-week hot bath
>        * Pilsener freezes
>        * Bock beer production begins
>        * Wisconsinites shovel snow off roof
>      -38 / -39
>        * Mercury freezes
>        * Too cold to think
>        * Wisconsinites button top button
>      -40 / -40
>        * Californians disappear
>        * Car insists on sleeping in your bed with you
>        * Wisconsinites put on sweaters
>      -50 / -46
>        * Congressional hot air freezes
>        * Alaskans close the bathroom window
>        * Green Bay Packers practice indoors
>      -60 / -51
>        * Walruses abandon Aleutians
>        * Sign on Mount St. Helens: "Closed for the Season"
>        * Wisconsinites put gloves away, take out mittens
>        * Boy Scouts in Eau Claire start Klondike Derby
>      -70 / -57
>        * Glaciers in Central Park
>        * Hudson residents replace diving boards with hockey nets
>        * Green Bay snowmobilers organize trans-lake race to Sault Ste.
>          Marie
>      -80 / -62
>        * Polar bears abandon Baffin Island
>        * Rhinelander Birkebeiner
>        * Girl Scouts in Eau Claire start Klondike Derby
>      -90 / -68
>        * Edge of Antarctica reaches Rio de Janeiro
>        * Lawyers chase ambulances for no more than 10 miles
>        * Minnesotans migrate to Wisconsin thinking it MUST be warmer
>      -100 / -73
>        * Santa Claus abandons North Pole
>        * Wisconsinites pull down earflaps
>      -173 / -114
>        * Ethyl alcohol freezes
>        * Only Door County cherries usable in brandy Manhattans
>      -297 / -183
>        * Oxygen precipitates out of atmosphere
>        * Microbial life survives only on dairy products
>      -445 / -265
>        * Superconductivity
>      -452 / -269
>        * Helium becomes a liquid
>      -454 / -270
>        * Hell freezes over
>        * Chicago Cubs win world series
>        * Roger Edwards sees a wedge tornado
>      -456 / -271
>        * Texas drivers drop below 85 MPH on I-35
>      -458 / -272
>        * Incumbent politicians renounce campaign contributions
>      -460 / -273 (Absolute Zero)
>        * All atomic motion ceases
>        * Wisconsinites admit it's getting a mite nippy

James and/or Nancy Gilly


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