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Greetings from the Chancellor of the University

Poster: AtlantiaU@aol.com

My Lords and Ladies and all of Atlantia's Scholars,
greetings from Mistress Deirdre O'Siodhachain, Chancellor of the University

Even as I write, session #41 of the University is but two weeks away on
February 1 and I am very much looking forward to seeing many of you there.
 The session offers a multitude of interesting classes and opportunities to
learn new skills.  Since the time of publication in December, the catalog has
had only minor changes.  There was an archery marshall class added at 10:00
a.m., taught by our kingdom archer marshall, Dealla Cohen.  Due to
unfortunate circumstances, Daniel of Rutland has been forced to cancel his
11:00 a.m. class on painting a triptych.  However, Reynard de la Rochefocald
has agreed to repeat his class on ropes, knots, and splices in its place.
 The class on naalbinding taught by Ana Ilevna is full, and the waiting list
is long.

If you want to be preregistered for classes, use the form published in the
December issue of the Acorn and get it into the registrar soon!  It is
entirely possible to register for classes the day of University, but your
first choice may not be available.  So preregister now!

As a courtesy to our hosts in Drachentor, if you are plannng to take
advantage of their lunch offering (at very modest prices), and have not so
indicated on your preregistration form, you should drop a note to Lady
Rosalind (paradox@gamewood.net) and let her know. (Please don't do this if
you already marked yes on the form.  We do not want to double count.)
 Likewise, if you have noted on your preregistration form you intend to have
lunch with them, you should let them know in advance if you have changed your

If you have not yet made hotel reservations keep in mind that the discount
rate for the SCA was only effective for reservations made through Jan. 15.
 However, many hotels offer discounts for AAA and other club memberships.
 Make sure you ask because it will certainly not be offered.

In looking ahead, session #42 will be on June 7.  We are currently
negotiating for a site in the Washington, DC area.  If you are interested in
teaching then, please feel free to contact me.  It is not too early to get
your name on the list.  This also means we will be looking for a site for
Fall University in the central or southern portions of the kingdom for
mid-November to early December.  Get your bid in now!

My duty and service to Atlantia,


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