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Cooper's Lake in 2001 Bid Party
Poster: hfeld@ids2.idsonline.com (Harold Feld)
Greetings from Yaakov:
As this will be a closed party (home brew alert!) present this exciting
invitation if you will be at the con.
Unto all who read these words, greetings from Yaakov HaMizrachi (Harold
Feld), Con-O-Crat of the PENNSICON-- COOPER'S LAKE IN 2001 Bid Committee.
Right pleased are we to announce that we shall hold a BID PARTY at Arisia
'97, Friday, January 10, 1997 at the Park Plaza Hotel in Boston, MA. At
this party, we shall hold our first A&S competition. All are invited to
enter out
In keeping with our fine educational traditions ("they had rivets, they had
canvas, they had indigo, who says they didn't make blue jeans?"), we will
present a free Pennsicon t-shirt for the best (?) perioid soetltie/
documentation combination. Free supporting memberships in our bid will go
to the best perioid soetltie and the best (?) documentation.
For those unfamiliar with our bid, Pennsicon "Worldcon As It Should Have
Been" (tm), seeks to ease the burden and culture shock on so many fans who
must pack up their Pennsic gear, spend a horrible two weeks back in
Mundania, then travel off once again to Worldcon. Instead, we seek to
combine these two events in one exciting extravaganza. Consider these
--No annoying elevator breakdowns!
--Free parking for 10,000 attendees!
--No complaint's re:skinny-dipping in the hotel pool!
--Committee composed of self-selected volunteers who mean well but have
no relevant experience, just like the BoD!
Look for our bid parties at a convention near you!
And as always. . . .
"Ducite de contentione excitandi de sententiis Latinis!"
[For those not familiar with SF fandom, this is a "joke bid." We are not
really trying to have the Worldcon at Cooper's Lake. We are, however,
seriously having parties and are seriously having the contest]
Please forward wherever you think relevant.
Harold Feld
Yaakov HaMizrachi
"Do not ask 'Why are these days not as good as the days of old?' This
question is not prompted by wisdom." -Eccl.
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