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Exchequer Warrants/12th Night

Poster: "Hinson, Jerome" <hinson.msalan3@mhs.unc.edu>

Unto the Exchequers and Seneschals of Atlantia,
Greetings from Lady Ursula von Bremen, 
Atlantian Chancellor of the Exchequer.

I would like to thank everyone who has taken the time to send updates for 
the exchequer warrant roster.
(Ghod, I love e-mail!)  Keep 'em coming!

If anyone is unsure as to the requirements for exchequer warranting 
paperwork, they are described in detail in the January issue of the Acorn 
on page 7, starting on the 2nd paragraph.  If you don't have an Acorn 
handy, I can post that section to you.

Also, I will be unable to personally attend Twelfth Night.  If you've 
been saving signature cards, etc., to give to me then, just drop them in 
the mail.  I could appoint a courier to pick these up for me, but the 
paranoia would probably kill me.

Please note that the your doomsday/tax  packets will be going out in the 
mail on or before January 15th.  The forms are in the same format as the 
new quarterly report forms, which are the same as the ones used for the 
doomsday reports last year.  You will notice, however that some of the 
forms in the tax packet have been revised (note the dates in the upper 
left hand corner).  Some of the changes were merely gramatic or cosmetic. 
 As always, please make sure to keep a blank copy of all the forms on 
file to copy for future use.

In the meantime, keep those cards and letters coming.

In service,

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