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RE: Inter-Kingdom Anthropology

Poster: "Randy Dees" <rrd@amherst.com>

Rebecca wrote:
> What's the difference between an A&S champion and a baronial A&S
> officer?

I answer:  Not being from the Barony of the Three Mountains, I can only
hypothesize based upon my current Barony of the Rhydderich Hael
(AEthelmearc).  We have an A&S Champion - the winner of the A&S
competition at Baronial Birthday, usually, and an A&S Officer - by whim
of their Excellencies, Connor and Rosemund.  They are two seperate
positions, sometimes held by the same gentle, with overlapping

Our Mistress of Arts and Sciences is responsible for overseeing the 
practice of the Arts and Sciences and encouraging their growth.  This is 
done by means of organizing A&S for events, making known the various 
contests, and helping individuals along in their endeavors.

Our Champion is selected by prowess in the Arts or Sciences as determined 
by victory in the A&S competition at Baronial Birthday.  The Champion 
stands in court as recognition that their Excellencies find merit in the 
Arts and Sciences, and serves as a constant reminder to all.  They also 
have many of the same responsibilities as the Officer, but are not a 
baronial officer.

I hope this is clearer, and not merely muddier.

A round for all of my old friends in the Rose.  I have moved on, but 
Atlantia still reigns in my heart.

Talorgen ni Wrguist
	a bard, formerly known as Myrddyn
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