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Re: Italian Ren

Poster: edh@ascc01.ascc.lucent.com (Alfredo el Bufon)

Partan wrote:

> > > Does anybody know if Italian Ren ladies' gowns were ever made
> > > particolored? I happened to come on some of the good cotton
> > > velveteen as remnants for $1/yd, but I could only get 2 yards
> > > of one color and 1+ yards of another.

Lady Celynen replied, in part:

> > [...] You could do a mock German Ren with the bodice made from the
> > one you have 1+ yds of and the skirt in three hortizontal pieces. [...]

And Frau Johanna concurred:

> You've the makings for German Ren.  Stripe the two colors for part of the
> dress, say one sleeve, and half the skirt, and run stripes diagonally
> across the bodice. [...]

Correct me if I'm wrong, but I believe that in the Period, in Italy,
there was a kind of garb war between factions known as the Guelfs,
(who favored Italian Ren) and the Ghibellines (who favored German Ren).

-- Alfredo
Alfredo el Bufon
Elvegast, Windmaster's Hill, Atlantia

Him tha ellenrof  andswarode,         |Him, the strength-famed   answered,
wlanc Wedera leod,  word aefter spraec|wlonk Geat leader,  word after spoke
heard under helme:  "We synt Higelaces|hard under helm:  "We are Hygelac's
beodgeneatas;  Beowulf is min nama.   |table-companions;  Beowulf is my name.
Wille ic asecgan  sunu Healfdenes,    |I wish to tell  Healfdene's son,
maerum theodne  min aerende,          |the famous prince,  my errand,
aldre thinum,  gif he us geunnan wile |thy lord,  if he will not begrudge us,
thaet we hine swa godne  gretan moton.|that we, with his good self,  may speak."

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