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Re: New Kingdoms?

Poster: Beth Morris <bmorris@access.digex.net>

William Morris wrote:

>Anyway, I'm requesting information on principalities and their timeline 
>to official kingdoms.  I have heard that Artemesia, a principality of 
>Atenveldt, will be the 14th kingdom soon.  I've also heard that 
>Aethelmarc (sp?) of the East has been approved by the BOD for Kingdom 
>status and is moving quickly to that end.

Actually, it will be the other way around.  Aethelmearc has been approved,
their first Crown Tourney will be this year (1997).  Artemisia is on its
way, their Crown date hasn't been set yet (I don't think).

>Does anyone know exactly when these things are to be finalized?  As well, 
>what will happen to the nature of Pennsic should Aethelmarc become a 
>kingdom?  If I'm not mistaken, the debatable lands will no longer be 
>debatable.  Ideas anyone?

Actually, that was one of the big concerns with Aethelmearc going kingdom.
The East, the Middle and Aethelmearc have all signed an agreement (a treaty
or whatever) that determines how Pennsic will be run, how profits will be
divided, how site selection will work, etc - it seems to be pretty thorough
in its coverage of issues that might arise in the future.  

Hope this answers your questions.

Seneschal, Atlantia

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