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new e-mail account

Poster: " Efenwealt  Wystle" <efen@hotmail.com>

Good Morning Atlantia!

I wanted to let folks know I have a new e-mail address. It is of course
attached to this message. And I believe it should read efen@hotmail.com. If
this is not the case, someone let me know I'm crazy (as if I didn't know).

If you happen to know my work e-mail, you may continue to use it for important
news as I check that many times a day. This account I probably won't check more
than every day or two.

Lord Efenwealt Wystle
Militant Society of Bards
(a minstrel by trade and a fool in my spare time, funny,
I seem to have an awful lot of spare time...)


Get Your *Web-Based* Free Email at http://www.hotmail.com
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