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Poster: angela@ascc01.ascc.lucent.com (Angela Pincha-Neel - ASCC)

As seen at http://www.whitebelt.com/pennsic26/webreg.html


Troll opens Aug. 1, 1997 at noon and closes at 1:00 a.m. on Aug..16, 1997.
Pre-registrations are not transferable. Medical information will not be
taken. If you have a serious medical condition, please fill out a Medical
Information form on site ( see page 15 for details ). Personal checks and
cards may be used for Pre-Registration only. Please read the following
information very carefully. By Pre-Registering, you agree to abide by these
terms whether you read them or not.

                                    PENNSIC XXVI RATES

                        `                       SCA Members   Non-Members
   Adults, 2 weeks (arrival prior to August 8)     $80           $100
   Adults, 1 week (arrival after August 7)         $60           $80
   Minors (Entire War)                             $20           $20
   Infants (Entire War)                            $5            $5

                                   HOW TO PRE-REGISTER

Fill out one copy of the form below for each person. Print clearly and legibly
(Registration Office determines what is legible ). You may photcopy the
form but do not reduce or enlarge it. Do not substitute or staple the form.

Send your completed form(s) along with a self-addressed stamped envelope and
the correct Pre-Registration fee (listed below). This fee will be
deducted from the total amount owed at Troll when you arrive. Payment will be
accepted only in the following forms: Check/Money Order (in U.S.
dollars drawn on a U. S. Bank), Visa or MasterCard. Make checks payable to
Cooper's Lake Campground.

                                 PRE-REGISTRATION FEES

            Adult       $60
            Minor       $20
            Infant      $5

If you are providing payment for more than one person, please include a list
with the name of each person and the amount of their pre-reg- istration
fee. Each person still needs to fill out a Pre-Registration form.

Mail your form(s) and payment to:

      Coopers Lake Campground
      Registration Office
      205 Currie Road
      Slippery Rock, PA   16057
      Phone/Fax:  (412)368-9309

If you want confirmation that the registration office has received your form
include a self- addressed stamped postcard. Final confirma- tions will be
mailed starting in July. Bring them with you for check-in at Troll.

Faxed Pre-Registrations on this form will be accepted if payment is by Visa or

If you have any questions about Pre-registration, call or fax Fred Brezel at

                                         REFUND POLICY

If you wish to receive a refund, the registration office must receive a letter
stating that you are unable to attend and a that you are request- ing a
refund, accompanied by a self-addressed stamped envelope. Please mark your
letter Attention: Refund on the envelope. The refund will be mailed in
September to the person whose name is on the registration form.

If you paid your Pre-Registration fee with Visa/MasterCard, include the card
number Refunds will be credited to the cardholders account less a 4%
handling fee in addition to any other fees. The letter must be received (not
postmarked) by the registration office:

    1.Prior to June 1, 1997 to receive a full refund.
    2.Between June 1, 1997 & August 1, 1997 to receive a partial refund
     ($10.00 handling fee).
    3.After August 1, 1997 there will be No Refunds.


The above are only the instructions of how to preregister. You must use the
official preregistration form. It is available in the Pre-Pennsic Booklet,
slated for mailing the first week of March, 1997. You can try to download
a copy of the form, in Microsoft works format from: <<<Not yet available
Disabled for a while...SORRY.....>>> It must fit on ONE(1) page ONLY!!!!!

List Archives, FAQ, FTP:  http://sca.wayfarer.org/merryrose/
            Submissions:  atlantia@atlantia.sca.org
        Admin. requests:  majordomo@atlantia.sca.org