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Re: Universities held in Isenfir"

Poster: Phillip of Ghent <garm@teach.ENET.dec.com>

John Strauss wrote:

>Lady Rhian was the beleagured Servant of Two Masters for that session

<<Heartily agreed, but snipped for brevity...>>

>Heh. We even broke her TV in the Mystery Herald Theater 1600 class.
>Gyrth's last act as chancellor was to pay the repair bill.

I remember it well, since I was teaching that class.  Much running around
ensued, but everything was set up so that MHT16C went off pretty much
without a hitch.  I was impressed that a solution was implemented so

(BTW, several people have asked me to re-run that class.  I guess I better
update the video;  plenty of good examples of bad heraldry have cropped up
in the last several years :^)

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