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Re: Books?

Poster: michael.f.dullaghan@adn.alcatel.com (Mike Dullaghan)

Anarra ("Terry L. Neill") writes:

> From the West list.
> If you don't want to or can't afford to mail them to this library, you could
> consider donating extra books to a library or school in your community.
>         - Anarra
> Date: Wed, 12 Mar 1997 19:00:22 -0800
> From: "Pat McGregor" <pat@lloyd.com>
> To: sca-west@anthrax.ecst.csuchico.edu, sca-crosston@netcom.com,
> Subject: Books?
> Message-ID: <199703130300.TAA19321@hal.lloyd.com>
> Greetings, cousins, from siobhan m.
> I know you love books. I know I'm  in an SCA household when I see
> the books there. Yesterday, while I was driving to dinner, I heard
> that the Pendleton County Library in Falmouth KY, which used to 
> have 30,000 books, now has 350 -- the rest were ruined by the 
> Ohio River, which wandered into the library during the flooding there.
> I nearly cried when I heard the librarian describe the condition of
> the books -- and the catch in her voice as she said that they would have
> to wait until they got enough money to buy more. 
> I've got lots of boxes of books which are duplicates, or which I'm
> not likely to read again, or which are too young for my children. I bet
> you do, too.
> I'm going to pack mine up and send them to this library, to help them
> rebuild their collection. I'm also going to send copies of the books I've
> written from my author's copies. 
> Can I convince you to do the same?
> Shipping by book rate will get the books there within a couple of weeks,
> and isn't terribly expensive. But if you can't afford it, let me know,
> and we can work something out.
> Thanks.
> 228 MAIN ST
> FALMOUTH, KY, 41040-1223 
> regards,
>   siobhan m.
> ======================================================
> Siobhan Medhbh O'Roarke / Pat McGregor/ siobhan@lloyd.com
> House Northmark, Mountain's Gate, Cynagua, The West
>    http://www.lloyd.com/~patmcg/sca.index.html
> =======================================================================

This is a fine, noble and generous idea as well as being good public
relations for the SCA. I would hate to sound in any way negative about
it, but has anybody contacted to library in question to let them know?

Aside from the fact that until water recedes and water damage has been
repaired they may not have anyplace to put the books, they may not be
able to handle the donations!

When I was in College I earned my comic book and beer money working in
the College library preparing new acquisitions for the shelves (yes,
getting paid to fondle books). Gift books and magazine subscriptions
were actually the bane of our existence. People would make these
donations, but nobody ever donated money to cover staff time and
materials to catalog, label, add "Date Due" slips, etc. All of this
needed to be done before anything go go out in the stacks for the
public to see. We had cases of books that had been waiting for years
to be processed because the budget only had enough money in it to
process the acquisitions that had been budgeted for.

Michael the Eclectic, House Falconguard, Barony of Ponte Alto, Atlantia. 
Vert, on an inverted chevron or, a reremouse(bat) displayed sable. 
Armed man = citizen.  Unarmed man = subject. 
Of course these are MY opinions! Whattya think, my EMPLOYER 
could've thought this stuff up? 

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