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[fwd] EK] Membership and SCA Marketplace (Stock Clerk) forms online.

Poster: James and/or Nancy Gilly <KatieMorag@worldnet.att.net>

>From: "Pat McGregor" <pat@lloyd.com>
>To: "Pat McGregor" <pat@lloyd.com>
>cc: sca-reform@facteur.std.com, sca-caid <sca-caid@ecst.csuchico.edu>,
>    sca-middle@dnaco.net, sca-west <sca-west@ecst.csuchico.edu>,
>    sca-aethelmearc@andrew.cmu.edu, ansteorra@eden.com, antir@mail.orst.edu,
>    atenveldt@atenveldt.org, eurbanik@leo.vsla.edu, calontir@unl.edu,
>    jaymin@maths.tcd.ie, meridies@web.ce.utk.edu, northshield@stolaf.edu,
>    sca-east@world.std.com, sca-crosston@netcom.com, webfolk@sca.org,
>    directors@sca.org, questions@sca.org
>Subject: [EK] Membership and SCA Marketplace (Stock Clerk) forms online.
>Date: Sun, 9 Mar 97 03:38:02 +0000
>-Poster: "Pat McGregor" <pat@lloyd.com>
>Greetings to all from Siobhan, one of the keepers of the 
>SCA, Inc., web page.
>A new service is available for you, thanks to the membership services
>office and Webfolk member Stephen Goldschmidt. Now you can download
>and print Postscript versions of the membership form (both US and
>International) and the Stock Clerk's forms.
>The URL is:
>     http://www.sca.org/members/
>To view Postscript forms you will need a Postscript viewer (such as 
>ghostview). If you don't have a viewer, you can still print the forms
>by downloading the file and copying it to your printer.
>For most browsers, if you click on the link to the files, your browser
>will either prepare to download the file, or ask you if you want to
>download it. Then follow the instructions for your operating system
>to copy it to your printer.
>If you don't have the right fonts, the results may not be as pretty as the 
>originals, but they should be usable. 
>The other Member Service available online is the ability to change your
>address via an online form. This can be reached from the same URL.
>If you have questions about downloading and printing the forms, you'll 
>need to contact your local ISP, help desk, or software support folks.
>Our help folks (questions@sca.org) won't be able to offer more than
>this generic information.
>Thanks again to Renee at the Member Services office and Stephen for
>enabling this terrific service.
>In service, I am,
>   siobhan

James and/or Nancy Gilly


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