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Re: Grammar

Poster: Tom Rettie <tom@his.com>

At 01:24 PM 3/17/97 -0600, Craig Levin wrote:

>The other dialects, such as Scots, survived as best they could as
>second-raters compared to the London dialect-look at how
>Boswell's English is treated by Johnson-and remained important in
>the countrysides where they were native as the languages of daily
>use. When newspapers, and then radio, came to the country, a
>process of homogenization was put into motion that has been
>eroding the old dialects. 

Good my lord and kind gentles,

One clarification I would add, Scots Gaelic is not a dialect of English --
it is a member of the Goidelic family of languages (Scots and Irish Gaelic,
Manx) and has entirely different roots.  I assume you were referring to
those dialects of English that were spoken in the north, not the native
Gaelic.  The Celtic languages didn't just languish as "second-rate," they
were actively suppressed by law.  

Your servant,

Findlaech mac Alasdair

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