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June 7 University Catalog

Poster: AtlantiaU@aol.com

My lords and ladies of Atlantia, I am pleased to be able to present the
Catalog of the University of Atlantia for the session on June 7.  I think you
will find the teachers and artisans of Atlantia have come forward to offer
their usual fine and diverse selection of classes.  I hope to see many of you

The catalog should be available on the University's web page in just a few
days and the print version will appear in the May issue of The Acorn.  If you
should note any errors in the catalog, please blame them on my faulty typing
and proofreading, and bring them to my attention.  While it will probably be
too late to correct the print version, I will try to keep later versions

Your servant,

Mistress Deirdre O'Siodhachain, Chancellor

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