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June 7 University Catalog

The University of Atlantia will be hosted by the gracious Barony of Lochmere on June 7, 1997. The location will be Meade High School on the grounds of Ft. Meade in Odenton, MD. 

As you will see from the catalog, session 42 promises to reflect the usual diversity and fine quality of classes offered by Atlantia's teachers and artisans. 

As a special offering, this session will include a class on period musical performance practice presented by an academic lecturer (see catalog for details). There will be a fee for this class.

There will also be a track of classes devoted to Scandinavian studies. In addition, there is a special track of classes for older children who are able to function in a classroom setting.  Further details are in the catalog.  There will be no childcare services offered and parents of children are expected to make their plans accordingly.

The site will open at 9:00 a.m. for registration with the first class to start at 10:00 a.m. There will be a one-hour break for lunch at noon followed by Convocation at 1:00 p.m. Classes resume at 1:30 p.m. and end at 5:30 p.m. Site will close promptly at 6:00 p.m.  Every effort will be made to adhere to this schedule.

Site restrictions: PLEASE READ CAREFULLY. Our site is a public school in the state of Maryland. The law is very strict in regard to weapons on school grounds.  Please do not bring any firearms with you, period or otherwise.  You may wear items such as swords as part of your costume, but please do not brandish anything in a warlike manner.  Fencing weapons are considered sporting equipment.  If you are planning to participate in rapier activity, please bring shoes with nonmarking soles in case inclement weather forces workshops to be held inside.

Merchants will be allowed, but only if advance arrangements are made.  While space in not particularly limited, neither do we wish any unpleasant surprises with crowding.  Please contact the local autocrat(s).

Preregistration:  You may preregister in three ways. You may preregister in person. At this writing there will be a registration table at Coronation sometime during the afternoon when you may register in person.
You may preregister by mail. Please use the form provided in the catalog the May issue of The Acorn so our registrar can have complete information.  A check for all materials fees should be included with
the form, if applicable.  Checks should be made out to University of Atlantia/SCA, Inc. Note: if you are an instructor you do not need to register for the class you are teaching, but you do need to register for any other classes.  Finally, as an experiment, limited preregistration by e-mail will be allowed. PLEASE READ CAREFULLY.  E-mail registration will be accepted from May 18 to May 31 ONLY.  E-mail registration will NOT be allowed for any classes which requires a prepaid materials fee. E-mail registration should include the same information as the preregistration form (see May Acorn).  If the request for class registration is considered incomplete,  the registrar will not be obligated to put you on a class roster. The address to use is AtlantiaU@aol.com.

Costs:  University is asking a $3.00 donation from attendees.  This is waived for instructors, the Crown, and those unable to pay.  All materials fees are paid to the University with preregistration.  If registering on the day of University, any materials fees should be paid directly to the instructor with the exception of the period music lecture.

Accommodations:  The hospitable people of the Barony of Lochmere are willing to open their homes to guests.  If you need crash space, please contact the local autocrats: Jerry Sapp at 410-674-5336 or jerry.sapp@ost.dot.gov or Ellen Liebert at 410-461-6637 or eliebert@aol.com.

The nearest hotels to the site are: Red Carpet Inn (across from Ft. Meade Main Gate) at 410-674-8900 and the Parkway Inn (at the Baltimore-Washington Parkway and route 175) at 410-799-0300. No arrangements have been made for a group rate.

Lunch:  Lunch will not be offered on site.  Students are welcome to bring their own food, but are requested to eat only in the Cafeteria area or outside if weather permits.  There are a number of restaurants (both fast food and table service) located quite close to the site. A list will be available at University.

Directions:  Look at a map of Maryland.  From Interstate 95 (north of Washington, DC) take the Route 175 exit East towards Jessup.  Stay on Route 175 past Route 295 (Baltimore/Washington Parkway).  The school is on the right approximately 1/2 mile past Rockenback Road.

The Acadamie of the Rapier will offer six hours of instruction in various aspects of the art of rapier combat.

The Academy (Children's Track) will be a full day of classes designed for young people in grades 4 - 8 (roughly ages 9 through 13).  Classes will include both active and quiet sessions and will include boffer fighting, book suggestions, calligraphy, arms and armor, and others.  The final class schedule is not yet set, but there will be plenty of fun for young Atlantians!  Instructors will include Allasondrea di Fano, Adriana di Salaparuta, Aislynn Fyrlocc, Rosine of Rowanwald, Gyrth Oldcastle of Ravenspur, Melisande de Belvoir, and Michael Oldcastle of Ravenspur.  (Parents of children outside the designated age range may contact Duchess Melisande at (301) 942-4802 or by e-mail at meloleary@aol.com to discuss possible exceptions.)

The Inn of St. Ivo's will present four hours of instruction in medieval law.  Specific subjects will be announced later.
10:00 a.m. 

Archery Marshal Training (1 hour)
Instructor: Dealla Cohen (Deedee Cole)

This class is required for anyone wishing to become a warranted archery marshal in Atlantia.  It covers basic activities for both target and combat archery.  Come learn how to control the only SCA activity to use REAL, unadulterated weaponry and those who get to attack others from a distance.

Great Coats (1 hour) 
Instructor: Annejke MacAiodh (Martha Wallenhorst)

The cut and construction of great coats and outer garments commonly worn from about 1400 on.

Kitemaking (2 hours)
Instructor: Xenophon Vaughn (Keith Vaughn)
Students must bring: scissors and kite string.

A short lecture on kites in period: construction, decorating, styles, etc.  There will be some examples for display.  This will be followed by a hands-on kite making session.  If time permits, there will be an attempt to fly the product.

Making a Period Sun Dial (1 hour)
Instructor:  Geoffrey Gamble (Jeff Morgan)
Class limit: 20
Students must bring:  drawing paper, pencils, straight edge, protractor or adjustable triangle (better but not period), and a compass.

This class will be a hands on session on how to construct a horizontal sun dial such as are often seen in gardens. We will use graphical methods so no math skills are required. When done you will have all the information you need to construct a dial appropriate to your home latitude. If time permits we will discuss other dials and how to make them.

Making Wound Glass Beads (2 hours)
Instructor:  Caitlin Cheannlaidir (Rise Peters)
Class limit: Demonstration 25, Practicum 6
Materials fee: $6

This will be a chance to try, hands-on, the lampworking technique for making wound glass beads.   Wound glass beads are found throughout the Middle Ages,  and using lampworking one can duplicate almost any type of wound bead.  There will be a demonstration held, and a chance to sign up for half-hour 
slots to try it yourself.  Hands-on participants are asked to bring safety  glasses if they have them.  Everything else will be provided.  There is a $6 fee for hands-on materials and handouts, although she'll waive it for those  who are fascinated but impoverished.  In addition, information will be  available about La Compagnia dei Maestri del Vetro, the newly formed Glassworkers' Guild.

Medieval Dress in Ireland (1 hour)
Instructor: Lughbec ni Eoin (Nancy Lynch)

Irish noble dress between the 5th century. to the end of SCA period.  Garments included are the leina, crys, truibas/braccae, brat/fuan/mantle, ionar, camisi, caille, brogue and the Shinrone Gown. Briefly also includes clothing for Early British Isles from the Kingdoms of the Celts, Saxons, and some Norman. No prior skills or materials required, just a donation for copies.

Real Steel and the 20th Century (1 hour)
Instructor:  Esclarmonde de Colloure (Lisa J. Steele)

A discussion by a Massachusetts/Connecticut public defender about basic principles of real world weapons laws including licensing, possession, self-defense, and assault.

Romano-Egyptian Nal-Binding (2 hours)
Instructor:  Caemfind (Carol New)
Class limit: 6
Cost: $5.00

This is the technique that confused archaeologists.  It looks like knitting on the front and back but is a looped needle technique.  Instruction will be geared towards making a sock.  Students from the Winter Session (Feb. 1, 1997) are welcome to attend at no cost IF they bring their supplies.

SCA Songwriting (1 hour)
Instructor:  Efenwealt Wystle (Scott Vaughan)

Tips, advice, and examples for those gentlefolk who have always wanted to write songs but never had the knowledge.  The class will address some period styles as well as folk and filk material.

Seneschal 101 (1 hour)
Instructor: Terafan Greydragon (Peter Barclay)

Learn some basic guidelines and important tips on how to be a good a good seneschal, especially for those considering holding baronial office.

Shoe Construction (all day)
Instructor: Damon Argent (Alan Feldman)
Class limit: 8
Cost: $40.00

History and construction of shoes 1320-1450 will be discussed.  Students will attempt to make a functional pair of shoes.

Split Ply Braiding Workshop I (2 hours)
Instructor: Lann Lerbhan (Lee Ann Roberts)
Class limit: 8
Materials fee:  TBA, pay directly to instructor

Split-ply Braiding -- also known as Split-Ply Twining -- is a folk art still used in remote areas of
western India/Eastern Pakistan to make camel girths.  There will be yarn and equipment ready for the students to use.  The braiding tools will be available for purchase after the class.  The instructor plans to supply enough yarn to make a belt.  The class will have enough time to learn split-ply braiding, but probably not enough to finish the belt. Part I will cover solid colors and simple diamonds. Part II will cover complex patterns.

Triptych (1 hour)
Instructor:  Daniel of Rutland (Dan Weill)

Review of the history of the triptych in medieval and early Renaissance art followed by a description of the process of making a 14th century triptych.

Viking-Age Foods (1 hour)
Instructor: Lavinia of Cat Mere (Lavinia Thornhill)

The class will cover foods available in Viking-Age Scandinavia, cooking techniques they used, spices available, and sources of documentation for cooking a Viking Feast.

11:00 a.m.

Beginner's Guide to Armor of the Medieval Period (1 hour)
Instructor: Michael Limner (Michael Surbrook)

This class will take a look at what the medieval soldier really wore, concentrating upon the time period from 1000 AD to 1600 AD.  Special consideration will be given to armor types that make excellent SCA fighting armors.

Brushwork for Scribes and Illuminators (1 hour)
Instructor: Isobel Gildingwater (Laura Sams)

Techniques for using all size brushes for detail work and writing.

Copyright Law for SCA Publications (1 hour)
Instructor: Tehair MacDiarmada (Sue Metzler)

A discussion for the non-lawyer on how to avoid copyright infringement in the SCA presented by a Copyright lawyer. Class will cover copyrights what are they why I need to care about them, how to avoid copyright infringement when writing your articles or reviewing submissions from others,  using artwork, etc. Teacher will provide useful forms and releases.

Creating More Attractive Events (1 hour)
Instructor:  Seonaid ni Fionn (Barbara Bolt)

How to design and promote an event with tips on how to attract people from outside your home area from the Royalty on down.

Learn to Read Music (1 hour)
Instructor: Antoine de Bayonne (Dan Gillespie)

The basics of reading modern musical notation will be taught...this is ideal if you're just learning to play an instrument or as a refresher course for those who took band or choir in high school.  Reading sheet music is a truly useful skill for any musician, potential musician, dance teachers and other interested persons.  There will be a hand-out that summarizes the technical details

Medieval Music for the Modern Ear (1 hour)
Instructor:  Efenwealt Wystle (Scott Vaughan)

Discussion and examples of several period songs that have been rearranged by folk, rock, and jazz artists to suit the modern taste.  Features several early music ensembles as well.

Oriental Rugs (Lecture, 1 hour)
Instructor: Mavi of Black Diamond (Elizabeth Heckert)

The art and history of oriental rugs.

Preheraldic Shield Decoration (1 hour)
Instructor: Kwellend-Njal Kolskeggsson (David James)

Suitable ways to decorate your shield for earlier period personas.

Viking Garb and Accessories for Men and Women (1 hour)
Instructor: Anarra Karlsdottir (Terry Neill)

An historical overview of the various styles of clothing worn in Viking-Age Scandinavia, fabrics, dyes and colors available, jewelry and personal adornment, and accessories - belts, shoes, hair, beards, hats, etc. - needed to create a complete and accurate Viking look.

1:30 p.m.

Beginning Illumination for Scribes (Lecture, 1 hour)
Instructor: Enid nicEoin (Barbara Oelke)

A discussion and display of the instructor's "scribe kit" which will then lead into practical applications in the workshop.  Students may attend the lecture only or continue on into the workshop.  Workshop is limited attendance and students must register separately.

Elizabethan Accessories (1 hour)
Instructor: Isobel Gildingwater (Laura Sams)

A look at accessories beyond ruff and feathered hats featuring alternatives from covering shoes on up to headgear.

Evolution of Faceted Stones (1 hour)
Instructor: Marsali Fox (Laura Jo Smole)

A discussion of stones, styles of cuts, the evolution of faceted stones, the reuse of Roman-era stones and cameos, etc.

Heraldic Art for the Non-artists (1 hour)
Instructor: Alanna Volchevo Lesa

Learn how to construct a recognizable device submission by breaking it down into simple geometric shapes.  A set of templates is available from the instructor for $5, but is not required to attend the class.

Honey and its Effect on Mead (1 hour)
Instructor: Terafan Greydragon (Peter Barclay)

A practical discussion of the effect that various honeys have on the flavor of mead.  Class will include
taste samples of both honey and its associated mead, and recipes.  Under 21 okay only with parent(s).

Iconography of Male Saints (1 hour)
Instructor:  Celynen of Stow-on-the-Wold (Teri Nava-Vaughn)

The class will briefly cover the life, martyrdom, and cult of several popular male saints.  Students will become familiar with the symbols associated with each saint and why these were chosen.

Oriental Rugs (Practicum, 2 hours)
Instructor: Mavi of Black Diamond (Elizabeth Heckert)
Class limit: 10

Practical aspects of selecting an oriental rug (or passable substitute) suitable for use in the SCA and how to repair and maintain the rug.

Split Ply Braiding Workshop II (3 hours)
Instructor: Lann Lerbhan (Lee Ann Roberts)
Class limit: 8
Materials fee: TBA, pay directly to instructor

Split-ply Braiding -- also known as Split-Ply Twining -- is a folk art still used in remote areas of
western India/Eastern Pakistan to make camel girths.  There will be yarn and equipment ready for the students to use.  The braiding tools will be available for purchase after the class.  I plan to supply enough yarn to make a belt.  The class will have enough time to learn split-ply braiding, but probably not enough to finish the belt. Part I will cover solid colors and simple diamonds. Part II will cover complex patterns.

Medieval Stained Glass:  Aesthetic and Practical Considerations
Instructor: Caitlin Cheannlaidir

This will be a review of Medieval stained glass design (including a discussion of subject matter, visual composition, and color choices) and construction practices.  Practical considerations for SCAdians wishing to bring the beauty of stained glass into their homes and camps will also be discussed.  The instructor will have on hand a selection of tools and materials and will discuss various aspects of each.

Strategy and Tactics (2 hours)
Instructor: Anton Tremayne (Doug Stevens)

The whys and hows of troop movement on the battlefield.

Period Musical Performance Practice (2 hours)
Guest Instructor:  Stuart Cheney
Fee: $8

The vast number of musical repertories from the Renaissance period (c1450-c1620) will be briefly explored, with emphasis on where to find pieces.  Performance practice issues in both vocal and instrumental genres (such as embellishment, size of the performing group, appropriate instruments) will be discussed.  Both recorded examples and live demonstrations will illustrate the issues presented.

A specialist in Baroque and Renaissance music, Stuart Cheney has performed on viola da gamba, baroque cello, and baroque violin with the Smithsonian Chamber Players, Washington Bach Sinfonia, Maryland Handel Festival, and faculty recitals at Vanderbilt and Middle Tennessee State Universities.  He directed the Blair Collegium at Vanderbilt 1993-94, and has performed on viola da gamba, vielle, rebec, and early winds with the Peabody Renaissance Ensemble and Collegia Musica at the Universities of Maryland and North Texas.  His Ph.D. dissertation in progress is a study of French variation practices from 1594 to 1701. 

Viking Footwear (1 hour)
Instructor: Anarra Karlsdottir (Terry Neill)
Class limit: 5

Learn about the various styles of shoes worn by Viking-Age men, women, and children and make a felt pattern so you can construct your own pair of leather Viking shoes.

2:30 p.m.

Card Weaving (1 hour)
Instructor: Tangwystl ferch Dafydd (Shana Harvey)

Card weaving was widely used by the Viking-Age Scandinavians for trim and as selvages for weaving. 
The instructor will discuss techniques, patterns, and fibers used by the Vikings.

Dance Reconstruction Sources and Resources Roundtable (1 hour)
Instructor: Gregory Blount (Greg Lindahl)

This roundtable will give the people who teach dance in Atlantia a chance to compare notes about the primary and secondary sources that are available: books, CD's, music collections, articles, and bibliographies, both mundane and SCAdian. I'll show you mine if you show me yours.

Designing an SCA Name (1 hour)
Instructor: TBA

How to work within and use the Rules for Submissions to construct an SCA name.

History of Printing: The Block Book (1 hour)
Instructor: Daffyd ap Gwystl (David Kuijt)

A look at the 15th century innovation which made mass production of books possible, from its origin in the new-sprung industry of woodblock printing on paper to its obsolescence at the end of the 15th century.

How to Construct a Viking Long Tent (3 hours)
Instructor: Ian Andrew de Scrogges (James Howell)

Long tents provide a relatively inexpensive, portable, easily constructed and assembled medieval shelter. Assist Lord Ian Andrew as he demonstrates the construction of a Viking long tent and learn the skills and techniques to build one for yourself.

Patternmaking (3 hours each)
Instructor:  Giovanna Donnina (Ellen Liebert)
Class limit: 10

Learn to create period garb from a basic dress pattern.  The class will specifically look at a Renaissance bodice, an Elizabethan bodice, and a cotehardie.  Only experienced seamstresses should take this class.  Students are required to bring the following items:

Transparent Tape (Removable Tape is best), Scissors for Cutting Paper, 18" Ruler (Transparent Dressmakers' or Quilters' Rulers are best), French Curve or Dressmakers' Curve, Tape Measure, Pencils (colored pencils are helpful), Compass (the cheap ones are fine for this), Eraser, Push Pins, Cork Board or Foamcore Board, 16x20 or larger, Unlined paper (8 1/2 x 11 or larger)

Make Your Own Brooch (3 hours)
Instructor:  Lady Marsali Fox (Laura Jo Smole)
Class limit: 8
Cost: $10.00

Students will learn some basic metalworking techniques (sawing, punching, drilling, and dishing) and use these techniques to construct and decorate brooches and pins to use as closures for garments from tunics to heavy cloaks, and of course, to fasten lengths of fabric for kilts and plaids!

Students will be provided with all tools to make their projects and will take home with them many of the tools and materials so that they may continue working in this style at home.  They will also receive a thorough documentation and resource packet.  No metalworking experience required

Workshop for Beginning Scribes (3 hours)
Instructor: Enid nicEoin (Barbara Oelke)
Class limit: 12

Will begin with a discussion and display of the instructor's "scribe kit," and continue with hands on practice of basic techniques using water-based paints on paper.  A sampler of leaves-and-vines borders will be used for the class and available for students to take home.  The instructor will discuss purchase of a starter kit.

3:30 p.m.

Beginning Recorder (1 hour)
Instructor: Dealla Cohen (Deedee Cole)

This class is intended as an introduction to play the recorder and covers fingering, differences between recorders of various sizes, etc.  Students should be able to read music at an elementary levels (minimal note recognition, base).  Some recorders may be available at the class, but please bring your own if you have one.

Designing Heraldry (1 hour)
Instructor: TBA

How to work within and use the Rules for Submission to construct an SCA device.

Introduction to Nalbinding (2 hours)
Instructor: Ana Ilevna (Janet D'Agostino-Toney) (2 hours)
Class limit: 6
Materials fee $5.00

Nalbinding, or looped needle netting, was a technique used by the Vikings for making stockings, mittens, and other practical woolen items. Until the recent publication of Margarethe Hald's Ancient Danish Textiles in Bogs and Burials nalbinding was an almost lost craft. Students who took the class in February are also welcome to attend at no cost if they bring supplies.

Italian Basse Dances (Basse Danze) (2 hours)
Instructor: Aislynn Fyrloc (Kate Spears)
Class limit: 10

The class will explain the background of Italian and Burgundian basse dances and examples will be taught.

Marshal Training (2 hours) 
Instructor: TBA

The class covers basic information for event planning, marshal policy, and procedures.  Required of all heavy weapons marshals by April 1, 1997.

Medieval Italy (1 hour)
Instructor:  Esclarmonde de Colloure (Lisa J. Steele)

An overview of history, geography, and politics on 9th-15th century Italy focused on personal choices and development.

Typography in Early Printed Books (1 hour)
Instructor:  Elisabeth MacAlester of Kintyre (Heather Bryden)

The fundamentals of typographic design as represented in 15th and 16th century printed books, and provides tips on how to mimic the style for SCA publications produced using modern technologies.

4:30 p.m.

Beginning Harp (1 hour)
Instructor: Seonaid a Lochuie (Ellen James)

The basics of playing a harp.

Intro to English Country Dance (1 hour)
Instructor: Antoine de Bayonne (Dan Gillespie)

Have you always wanted to join in the dancing at the events, but been scared off because you have never learned how to dance?  This is the class for you.  All the basic steps of English Country dance will be explained and several different dances will be taught using these steps.  No experience necessary, no partner needed.

The Peste: The Black Plague in Medieval Western Europe (1 hour)
Instructors: Ariane ferch Owaine (Stacey Wahrman) and Tehair MacDiarmada (Sue Metzler)

A general survey on the progress and lasting effects of the Black Plague in medieval western Europe with particular focus on its impact on legal and social structures.

Printing on Cloth (1 hour)
Instructor: Daffyd ap Gwystl (David Kuijt)
Class Limit: 12 students
A workshop on cloth printing as practiced in the 15th century, covering tools, materials, techniques, and appropriate period designs.  Please wear sensible clothing with tight sleeves; we will be working with ink.
Students will leave capable of attempting simple cloth printing projects.

Vocal Techniques (1 hour)
Instructor: Corun MacAndra (Craig Greenbaum)

The class covers both vocal technique and breath control. It is aimed at Court and Field Heralds. It is designed to train the Herald to be able to project loudly and clearly to a room full of people or on a large field and be heard well enough by most of those present while at the same time not straining or hurting the voice or throat. There will be a handout.

Special Event

Discussion on the Future of the SCA
Host:  Keilyn FitzWarin, Kingdom Seneschal (Elizabeth Morris)

Per the request of the Board of Directors of the SCA, we will be holding a discussion of the future of the SCA (for information about specific topics, please see the letter from Director O'Leary in the December 1996 Acorn or contact the Kingdom Seneschal).  Please come and share your views about where you'd like to see this grand organization headed.  Note: this is not a class and no class credit will be given for attendance, however your registration will be appreciated in order to get an accurate headcount of attendees and to give the autocrats an opportunity to plan accordingly.