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Re: June 7 University Catalog

Poster: "Terry L. Neill" <Neilltl@ptsc.slg.eds.com>

>Viking Garb and Accessories for Men and Women (1 hour)
>Instructor: Anarra Karlsdottir (Terry Neill)
>An historical overview of the various styles of clothing worn in 
>Viking-Age Scandinavia, fabrics, dyes and colors available, jewelry 
>and personal adornment, and accessories - belts, shoes, hair, beards, 
>hats, etc. - needed to create a complete and accurate Viking look.

There will be a materials fee of $2 to cover the handout for this class.

>Viking Footwear (1 hour)
>Instructor: Anarra Karlsdottir (Terry Neill)
>Class limit: 5
>Learn about the various styles of shoes worn by Viking-Age men, women, 
>and children and make a felt pattern so you can construct your own pair 
>of leather Viking shoes.

There will be a materials fee of $4 for this class.  Because the class size is
so small, students will be highly encouraged to teach this pattern to others in
their local group.

Can these additions be added to the copy that is printed in the Acorn, please?


        - Anarra
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