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Re: Rubenesque

Poster: "Heather Swann" <swannh@psi.com>

> My lord Brok the Smith loves the SCA because it is one of the few 
> places in this modern 'society' where full figured women show 
> themselves to wonderful advantage. Many of you have heard him go on 
> about how mundane society promotes anorexic chahuahua's (not a 
> slam towards thin women, just thin and high strung types) and larger 
> women are made to feel lesser people. Well, VIVAT the SCA ability to 
> allow people to be who they are and not have to conform to a narrow 
> modern ideal of beauty. Different body types are historically 
> accurate. Thin and boyish is a modern view of beauty, or a period sign 
> of extreme illness and frailty. 
> Lets hear it for Good Strong Peasant Stock!!!! (Hmmm, should make 
> mighty fine soup) 
>                                      Miriam--the other one.Whose 
> lord doesn't want her to loose the baby weight and found her attractive 
> at 9 months pregnant. 
> P.S. Brok says that if any of you Rubenesque types ever are willing 
> to model for him he would love to imortalize you in bone, stone, or 
> steel. He is always looking for 'Goddess' type models, and as those 
> who know me are aware, I am a bit thinner than he is looking for. (In 
> a model that is! I make up for it in other ways :) ). 
>                                   Miriam- who tries to be a lady, 
> but sometimes it is so...hard. (sigh) (I think I've had enough beer 
> thank you Miriam Rachel and wipe that smirk off your face!) 
Smirk?  Me?  What smirk? 


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