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RE: fubawab

Poster: Becky McEllistrem <beckymc@MICROSOFT.com>

> I have sat and listened to the things that have been said on the
> subject of
> ill-mannered and bad tempered people.  Some of it ill-mannered and bad
> tempered itself.  The remark made by Falcone was very insulting and
> inappropriate.  If he is a good person that did not intend ill by the
> remark
> now would be a good time for him to offer an appology!  If he intended
> it as
> insultingly as it sounded then I would be honored to offer him combat
> in
> defense of myself and all Ladies everywhere who are tired of being
> refered to
> as "broads" and/or big, fat and ugly.  The choice my Lord like the
> gauntlet
> lies at your feet.
> truely offended  but returning to her seat Prydain picks up her
> coronet.
Goodness!  If there was half so much indignation over sex jokes at
business meetings
I'd attend them more often.  However, this does bring up a point.
There's always the
chance that something posted could easily offend but does it really
require this strong
a reaction?  When I hear a sex joke at a business meeting, during
official meeting times
I speak directly to the one that offends me.  (Although after living in
three different kingdoms
I seem to be the only one offended by the idea.)  I don't bring up
swords and direct challenges,
I don't generally make public postings for all to see. I don't make a
big deal out of things that 
truely offend me because I rarely find such behavior constructive.  What
I find more constructive 
is some general comment publicly and if it continues, a more direct
private conversation.

What I DO know for a fact is that Falcone is one of the gentlest,
kindest supportive people
I've ever met and could never intentionally harm anyone.  He does get
into habits like all
humans and may not be as soft spoken as everyone else, but I've never
seen him intentionally
wish to harm or offend anyone.  Just like my friends with the sex jokes
at business meetings.

Rebecca the Contrary

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