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Re: Rattan substitue/apology

Poster: John Gahrmann <jrgahrmann@geocities.com>

Becky McEllistrem wrote:

> HEY!
> I would debate that Chivalry would necessarily be our hardest
> hitters...  Merely our best fighters most willing to teach.
>>I didn't say that all chivalry were hard hitters, Just that SOME are
>>capable of testing the material to it's extreme... Please don't 
>>mis-read what I wrote.

Sorry if the last one seemed snippish...I should remember that it is easy 
to misinterprete e-mail. I meant that the Chivalry are the best ones to 
test since they can: A> Generate a Powerful blow B> Generate a Accurate 
Blow and C> interpete the force and transfer of energy they are being 
struck with.

	Of course most of them will tell you that squires should be the 
test subjects :->

John Gahrmann
AKA Johann von Rothenburg esq.
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