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Re: fubawaba

Poster: AubreyGawn@aol.com

In a message dated 97-03-27 22:43:11 EST, you write:

>From my conversations with those in other forums, I beleive this a regional
>term that we don't see here in atlantia much, and thus it is causing
>Actually, the fact that men seem willing to tolerate 'bad attitudes' from
>women who look good to them always seemed to me to be proof of their
>inferior mental capacity. 
>Magdalena de Hazebrouck. 

(stepping up on soap box)
Whoa! Let's back up the generalization wagon here! There are some men out
here who still believe in the ideas of chivalry and politness and would never
think of using a term like that. When you use a generalization like "all
men...etc." aren't you making the same mistake as the original "fubawuber"? 
(stepping down now)
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