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Re: illumination

Poster: "Heather Swann" <swannh@psi.com>

 Poster: "David H Ritterskamp" <dhritter@dpcmail.dukepower.com> 
>      Sorry, but since Achbar's computer is in for upgrading, I thought 
>      I'd throw in an Achbarpun: 
>      Poster: PETERSR@spiegel.becltd.com (Peters, Rise J.) 
>      Tonight, April 1st, Storvik and Roxbury Mill will hold their 
>      monthly A&S 
>      meeting.  We will be joined by Mistress Celynen of Lochmere who 
>      will enlighten us on the topic of illumination. 
>      Caitlin Cheannlaidir, 
>      by grace of their Excellencies MOAS Storvik 
>      Excuse me, shouldn't that be "illuminate us on the topic 
>      of illumination"? 
>      Or "illuminate us on the topic of enlightenment"? 
>      Or "Enlighten us on the topic of enlightenment"? 
>      Or ... 
>      Ack...quick, come here and see if you can staunch the flow... 
>      Ld. JB, fillin' in for Achbar 
Beg pardon, my lord, but should that not be, "Strike a flint on the topic of 
illumination for us"?  Or perhaps, "Paint a verbal picture on the topic of 
illumination for us"?

Miri  (The Real Miriam this month)

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