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Rapier ofr Sacred Stone Novice Tourney correction

Poster: "WILLIAM L. HAM" <web245@charweb.org>

	Unto the populace for the fair Kingdom of Atlantia does Lord 
Kheldar the Fleet, Free Scholarand Rapier Marshal in Charge of Sacred 
Stone's upcoming Novice Tourney send humble greetings,

	My Lords and Ladies,

	Whoops! I made a mistake! I humbly beg everyone's leave to 
correct my absentminded mistake. The  The correction is; in order to 
enter the Novice Tourney for Rapier, one must not have been authorized 
for more than TWO, that's TWO, years. My heartfelt apoloies for any 
confusion that this error has caused. 

	In Service to Her Majest, Her Highness, and Her Excellency, I am still

			Lord Kheladr the Fleet,f Free Scholar of 
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