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Re: ? Ugly and Stupid ?

Poster: Lance Harrop <lharrop@mrj.com>

m'Lord Martin writes;

> While it is true that Trimaris has only three baronies, it is also true
> the many more are needed, particularly in the southern part of the
> kingdom. I don't think you may safely make comparisons like "they only
> have x, therefore we only need x,too."

Actually, I believe I said that Trimaris has only three baronies 
(actually, I thought it was four) therefore they do not need to be organized
into principalities.  Atlantia has thirteen baronies and a number of large
shires, and could easily be organized into multiple principalities.
> As to the notion of southern and northern principalities, the very same
> idea has been kicked around Trimaris for the last few years, as well.
> Trimaris decided against forming one at this time, for the same reasons
> Atlantia chose not too the last time this discussion came up.

I'm not sure our reasons for not advancing the principality movement are
necessarily the same as yours.

> There are
> a great many factors involved in forming a new group, barony or
> principality, and population is only one of them. I don't think its
> enough merely to form a principality because you can; there must be a
> compelling reason to do so.

Okay, Viscounts...
		  ...its all the reason I need.  And it overrides any
objection I have ever heard.
> Most recently here in Trimaris, it was deemed that, regardless of the
> population statistics, forming a new principality would not only not be
> particularly beneficial to the kingdom, it would actually pose a hazard
> to the healthy growth of the kingdom.
Sadly, I am not sure Atlantia is growing.  Certainly a number of nearby 
baronies are suffering activity declines, according to antedotal evidence 
(in other words, so I've been told).

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